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Thread: Satin snow still exist ?

  1. #21

    Re: Satin snow still exist ?

    I have also put out almost 200K of my money to pay medical bills, I have no insurance as a self employed person.
    Dave, I thought you were retired from the Army? Don't they have a VA hospital near you?

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Satin snow still exist ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Turner Reich View Post
    Dave, I thought you were retired from the Army? Don't they have a VA hospital near you?

    I am retired, but my claims are tied up in the current red tape, also, the full service facility is over 600 miles from where I live, I currently have claims in, but no money forth coming for a while now, pretty much out of pocket expense..

    Believe me, it is very frustrating to say the least and during the election year, I don't really see much relief in sight, as this was a personal injury and not due to military service, which requires far more than many understand and know!


    But the glass is still half full!

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Satin snow still exist ?

    - "Why is it always the vendors fault?"

    Because it is. In business, the customer is always right. That is if you want to stay in business.

    - "I don't want your money, unless I deliver the order"

    How about not taking people's money until you deliver then? Your history is one of taking people's money and delivering in your own sweet time. Given that, this might be a good policy.

    - "Does everybody always assume us that do business over the internet, are always crooks?"

    Unfortunately people like you are the reason people think this.

    Export permit? Expensive???? I know of no such thing for small sheets of glass. Can you show us some link that explains such a thing?

    I am sorry you've had troubles, but you have taken people's money and not delivered for months and months. Try a refund sometime. One should never spend someone's money before giving them what they paid for for.

  4. #24

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    Jun 2004

    Re: Satin snow still exist ?

    Thanks RSchenk,

    You have all the answers..

    I am glad you chimed in..

    I have not taken anybodies money for many months now, as I have not taken orders for many months now, I have also refunded money to many people with no questions asked..

    I could really care less if you have knowledge of what is required when your exporting a large number of products.

    People like me, who still are out in the open having dialog with the people who ordered from me are the reason people feel internet business's are crooks, now that is funny, if I wanted to be a crook, I would take the money and run and not participate where I can be called a crook, I would just leave everybody hanging, so you could spend a few months bad mouthing me and not worry about it, but of course, I have not done that, I am still here so you can make your accusations in a public forum...

    Yup, seems it is people like me that give you that impression...

    Sure the customer is always right, and I believe 98% of them are, but the other 2% creates all the problems that most of us business owners have, by the way, other than clearing up the orders I have on file, I am no longer in business..

    So if you feel that way, it is fine, if you have glass on order with me, tell me when and I will refund your purchase, if you don't then your opinion on what I do, has no bearing, I am concerned about the customers who have done business with me and will continue to work with them to ensure everybody is satisfied one way or another.


  5. #25

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    South Carolina

    Re: Satin snow still exist ?


    Hang in there. I am sure about 99% of the people you have done business with respect the way you have dealt with them. Sorry you have to deal with the 1% of these narcissistic ********* who think they are the center of the universe.

    Sandy king
    Last edited by Kirk Gittings; 26-Jul-2008 at 21:24. Reason: edited for vulgarity-Kirk Gittings

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Kalamazoo, MI

    Re: Satin snow still exist ?

    My only complaint is that I procrastinated on ordering a 7X17; then you got hurt ;-( Satin Snow was a model for how businesses should act. I'm truly sorry to hear of your problems, and regret not ordering more from you in the past. The glass I do have from you will be treated with greater care.
    Sincerely, Doug
    van Huyck Photography
    "Searching for the moral justification for selfishness" JK Galbraith

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Brooklyn, NY

    Re: Satin snow still exist ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Parker View Post
    Dave, you and I have had our problems in the past and I know we don't see eye to eye on much... but as a fellow human being to another, you are in my thoughts and prayers and I am sure I speak for others when I voice my wish for a speedy recovery for you. G-d only tests the strongest of us to show as the finest examples of humanity. Consider yourself an example.

  8. #28

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    Jun 2008

    Re: Satin snow still exist ?

    "Sorry you have to deal with the 1% of these narcissistic ******** who think they are the center of the universe."

    Now isn't that something? Someone spends their hard earned money and gets nothing in return. Then they have the audacity to ask what's going on and for that they are called foul names? From someone I used to have great respect for at that? Shame on you Mr. King. To think I almost spent my hard earned money to learn from you in Canada this October. Not this "narcissistic dickhead"! I can see now it would hardly be worth the cost.
    Last edited by Kirk Gittings; 26-Jul-2008 at 21:28. Reason: edited for vulgarity-Kirk Gittings

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Satin snow still exist ?


    You didn't answer my question, do you have a piece of glass on order with me? If so, please tell me the time frame so I can look it up and refund your money, if you don't, then I don't know what to tell you as you have no stake in this race.

    But again, if you do, please let me know what and when and I will be happy to refund your order.


  10. #30

    Join Date
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    South Carolina

    Re: Satin snow still exist ?

    Dave Parker offered you a refund and in spite of that you insisted on insulting him. What exactly do you want? The guy is late on delivering a $30 piece of ground glass because of major health issues and you choose to **** on him!

    Give me a break.

    Sandy King

    Quote Originally Posted by RSchenk View Post
    "Sorry you have to deal with the 1% of these narcissistic ******** who think they are the center of the universe."

    Now isn't that something? Someone spends their hard earned money and gets nothing in return. Then they have the audacity to ask what's going on and for that they are called foul names? From someone I used to have great respect for at that? Shame on you Mr. King. To think I almost spent my hard earned money to learn from you in Canada this October. Not this "narcissistic *******"! I can see now it would hardly be worth the cost.
    Last edited by Kirk Gittings; 26-Jul-2008 at 21:27. Reason: edited for vulgarity-Kirk Gittings

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