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Thread: jobo 3005 uneven development

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: jobo 3005 uneven development

    A little more background:
    I used to use HC 110 1oz syrup to 70oz when I used the Jobo 3005 on the Beseler Motor base. I also used to use about 400ml of developer per sheet.

    I don't really want to fiddle around with a new developer. Is 1 to 75 to dilute?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: jobo 3005 uneven development

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
    Is 1 to 75 to dilute?
    Well, that's close to Kodak's F dilution, which is 1:79. But if you look here...

    ...and scroll down to the "Capacity" table, you'll see that they figure that in tray development at least, HC-110F is good for 2 (two) 8x10 sheets per gallon (and it's not recommended for tank use). So that's half a gallon per sheet.

    There's plainly some safety margin in many of Kodak's capacity specifications, because I get fine results with 4 ounces of D-76 per sheet rather than the recommended 8. But at 1100ml of HC-110F for five sheets it sounds like you're off by a factor of about 8 or 9.

    Are you getting good density overall? What contrast grade do you need to print these negatives?

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    NY area

    Re: jobo 3005 uneven development

    Jordan, is the uneveness in the sky parallel to the direction of rotation? Does it only appear on very even toned areas like sky but is much harder to see in more complex areas? Jobo's tech's called this unevenness "road ruts".

    I had issues like what I described above. My solutions were as follows.

    1) I always use a 5 minute presoak with distilled water
    2) I always use 68 degrees in order to give me a longer dev time
    3) I always fill the tank to the maximum capacity rating. (Even if I do one roll I max out the tank
    4) as the Jobo only rotates in one axis, I remove the tank from the CPP-2 and periodically agitate in the other axis. If you try this make sure your palm covers the hole so as not to dump out your dev, rotate the tank as you agitate to ensure that all the film get covered, and make sure to put the tank back on the lift properly with the agitation gear connected.
    My agitation routine is first manual agitation after a minute, then every 1 1/2 minutes. The agitation itself lasts about 15 seconds. I also set the speed of the motor rotation to really slow. You may need to cut about 5 percent off your dev time to compensate for this extra agitation.

  4. #24

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    Jul 2007

    Re: jobo 3005 uneven development

    are you saying that I am indeed using too little developer per sheet? MY densities require at most usually 15-20 points of magenta on a DeVere color head. Thanks for your research by the way!

    The uneveness is like slight blotches toward the bottom of the film in regards to how it oriented in the drum.

  5. #25

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    NY area

    Re: jobo 3005 uneven development

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
    are you saying that I am indeed using too little developer per sheet? MY densities require at most usually 15-20 points of magenta on a DeVere color head. Thanks for your research by the way!

    The uneveness is like slight blotches toward the bottom of the film in regards to how it oriented in the drum.
    It might be advisable for you to post a scan of the unevenness.

  6. #26
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    Jan 2001

    Re: jobo 3005 uneven development

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
    are you saying that I am indeed using too little developer per sheet? MY densities require at most usually 15-20 points of magenta on a DeVere color head.
    Yes, that's what I was wondering, although if you need only 15-20M to print, it's hard to imagine you're falling anywhere near as far short as I was speculating.

    Have you tried setting the processor back to auto-reverse?

    Meanwhile, back to the head-scratching...

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: jobo 3005 uneven development

    Here is an example of the uneven development issue. Look in the upper right hand corner. Thanks.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    May 2006
    north of the 49th

    Re: jobo 3005 uneven development

    I'm having a hard time seeing it as the jpeg artifacting in the sky is severe on my laptop...took it into cs2 and inverted it but that didn't help. could you link to a larger file ?
    notch codes ? I only use one film...

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: jobo 3005 uneven development

    Agree with Fred. I can see stuff going on in the upper right, but when I play with the file I quickly run into JPG artifacts that overwhelm any detail that might help explain what's happening.

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: jobo 3005 uneven development

    Good morning,

    After browsing for some time, I signed up to the forum. What a great forum you have all created!

    This is what I suspect as well, if I may suggest, take a few test exposures and experiment with less dilution to see if the problem persists.

    Although considered less than idea by many, I have found with my water source and darkroom habits, dilution B works best for myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
    are you saying that I am indeed using too little developer per sheet?.........

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