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Thread: Arca Swiss increases price

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Arca Swiss increases price

    Quote Originally Posted by Ling Z View Post
    I talked to Rod with Photomark today, and I was told Arca Swiss was going to increase its price by as much as 20% from this month. We now live in a world of inflation, and photographic equipments are no exceptions.
    Nothing to wonder about, Ling. It's a Swiss company - you can see that on the Swiss price too

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Arca Swiss increases price

    Quote Originally Posted by vonstauren View Post
    Mikec, the Arca Swiss is a Swiss company with a manufacturing factory in France. To call it a French company is as correct as to call American computer firms Taiwanese firms because the computers are manufactured there.
    If you press Bob Solomon on this point, he will tell you that you can choose between French and Swiss company for the Arca Swiss cameras.
    You'll see... he'll tell you...
    Their address is in France, their phone number is in France and their email address is in France.

    So by your definition that makes them Swiss. So be it.

  3. #13

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    Re: Arca Swiss increases price

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Salomon - HP Marketing View Post
    Their address is in France, their phone number is in France and their email address is in France.

    So by your definition that makes them Swiss. So be it.
    Here we start it again. I was not mistaken about it. "Their" = of the factory in France ? The Swiss address was already given to you once, together with the American address... French you said? The Taiwanese computers are good too. Maybe they are Chinese?

  4. #14

    Join Date
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    Manchester, UK

    Re: Arca Swiss increases price

    Grow up, they are a company in France therefore they are governed by the Euro not the Swiss Franc which is the point that Bob has been trying to make. Your lack of the grasp of modern worldwide corporate structuring does not serve to diminish from that.

  5. #15

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    Re: Arca Swiss increases price

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben R View Post
    Grow up, they are a company in France therefore they are governed by the Euro not the Swiss Franc which is the point that Bob has been trying to make. Your lack of the grasp of modern worldwide corporate structuring does not serve to diminish from that.
    A company in France? Can you explain? Or a factory in France? In Switzerland you buy the Arca Swiss cameras for Swiss francs, not euros. I know, I'm actually living in Switzerland. You know what? Even the Swiss franc got stronger against the American dollar! You don't even need to see the dollar downfall in euros anymore. Did you see recently the Taiwanese (Chinese) computers? They don't even sell them for dollars there, Taiwanese throughout! Sorry, Chinese. But then the currency is not Chinese so...

  6. #16

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    New York

    Re: Arca Swiss increases price

    As I understand it, Arca-Swiss is based in Besancon, in France but close to Switzerland.

    The big question is where Arca-Swiss makes its products. If in Europe, an increase in price vis a vis the US dollar is inevitable.

    If Arca-Swiss makes its products in Asia, an increase in price is harder to explain.

    What bothers me is the apparent refusal to have a web site. M. Vogt, who owns the company, is perfectly capable of showing up at New York's major photo show. But he has clearly decided that he won't have a web site. This is odd.

  7. #17

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    Re: Arca Swiss increases price

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianShaw View Post
    That's hilarious... I didn't knowthat. So Arca Swiss is French, and Hispano Suiza (luxury auto from the 1930's) was Spanish. I know that lots of Swiss cheese is made in Wisconsin. Are the Swiss Guard really Swiss any more?
    Hispano-Suiza was founded by a Spaniard who then hired Swiss engineer to design cars, hence the name.

    As for the Swiss-cheese-made-in-Vt, it resembles the real Emmentaler as much as Panda Express resembles real Chinese food.

  8. #18

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    Re: Arca Swiss increases price

    Quote Originally Posted by vonstauren View Post
    A company in France? Can you explain? Or a factory in France? In Switzerland you buy the Arca Swiss cameras for Swiss francs, not euros. I know, I'm actually living in Switzerland. You know what? Even the Swiss franc got stronger against the American dollar! You don't even need to see the dollar downfall in euros anymore. Did you see recently the Taiwanese (Chinese) computers? They don't even sell them for dollars there, Taiwanese throughout! Sorry, Chinese. But then the currency is not Chinese so...
    If the factory is indeed in France, then so are its costs and expenditures. And then so are their prices. Used to be much more complicated before the Euro.

    These are interesting times - even Swissair is now owned by Lufthansa and I hear that Aeroflot is going to acquire Alitalia...

  9. #19

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    Re: Arca Swiss increases price

    Quote Originally Posted by r.e. View Post
    What bothers me is the apparent refusal to have a web site. M. Vogt, who owns the company, is perfectly capable of showing up at New York's major photo show. But he has clearly decided that he won't have a web site. This is odd.
    Why would that bother you? It's their company so they get to decide about their marketing strategy.

    Perhaps he is making a statement "No digital here!". If so, that's at least consistent.

  10. #20

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    Re: Arca Swiss increases price

    Quote Originally Posted by r.e. View Post
    What bothers me is the apparent refusal to have a web site. M. Vogt, who owns the company, is perfectly capable of showing up at New York's major photo show. But he has clearly decided that he won't have a web site. This is odd.
    Yet, there was a time when it was said that M. Vogt spoke about preparations for the AS website. My theory is that hearing their company is regarded as a French one he got so that he said - enough is enough, no web site! But then, the quality and the excellence of AS cameras don't need any... It sells like a hot cake...

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