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Thread: Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?

    I asked these questions in the scan hi end group too, but I thought Creo Users are reading in this group too (Ted Harris, Sandy King..)

    I am offered a Creo Eversmart Pro (not II). The scannner ist offered
    by a company which is servicing Creo Scanners in Germany. The scanner
    is in a working condition. the sales person says, the diagnostic
    program is showing no faults, which means, that all parts are working
    within the Creo specifications.
    The scanner was preowned by a pre-press company. I suppose it was in
    heavy use. The price will be 2000 Euro (about 3000 $)without any
    warranty. A 2nd scanner for spare parts is included also the software
    and a calibration strip. Would you buy this scanner at the given price?

    Currently I own a Howtek D 4000 and a Microtek Artixscan 2500, both
    with Silverfast. Would you sell these or do you see any advantages
    in keeping them, especially the Howtek because of ist higher
    resoulution? Or ist the Creo a substitution without disadvantages?

    I am doing mainly b+w negs from 120 up to 8x10 inch. Sometimes colornegs.

    Your help is very much appreciated.

    Jürgen / Germany

  2. #2
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Fond du Lac, WI, USA

    Re: Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?


    Are you unhappy with the scans from your D 4000?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?

    No, I am satisfied with the scanner , when it´s working. Sometimes the Howtek offers banding when scanning with 4000 dpi. While Hamamatsu is offering pmts at reasonable prices -the blue one needs to be replaced- no one here in Germany can repair the Howtek or can change the pmts.

    The company which is offering the Creo is a well known service company for creo scanners.


  4. #4
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Re: Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?

    That does sound better from a service angle. Does the included software allow 16 bit per channel files?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    Re: Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Juergen Cullmann View Post
    I asked these questions in the scan hi end group too, but I thought Creo Users are reading in this group too (Ted Harris, Sandy King..)

    I am offered a Creo Eversmart Pro (not II). The scannner ist offered
    by a company which is servicing Creo Scanners in Germany. The scanner
    is in a working condition. the sales person says, the diagnostic
    program is showing no faults, which means, that all parts are working
    within the Creo specifications.
    The scanner was preowned by a pre-press company. I suppose it was in
    heavy use. The price will be 2000 Euro (about 3000 $)without any
    warranty. A 2nd scanner for spare parts is included also the software
    and a calibration strip. Would you buy this scanner at the given price?

    Currently I own a Howtek D 4000 and a Microtek Artixscan 2500, both
    with Silverfast. Would you sell these or do you see any advantages
    in keeping them, especially the Howtek because of ist higher
    resoulution? Or ist the Creo a substitution without disadvantages?

    I am doing mainly b+w negs from 120 up to 8x10 inch. Sometimes colornegs.

    Your help is very much appreciated.

    Jürgen / Germany

    I think for 2000 euro the EverSmart Pro is a very good buy, if working well and with the software and calibration slide.

    However, I am not sure as to the anticipated use. If for 35mm and MF negatives or slides the Howtek D4000 should give better results, especially if you are able to save files in high bit. That assumes a perfectly working Howtek D4000, of course.

    If your major use is for 4X5 and larger negatives the EverSmart Pro wins hands down, even with the 8-bit save limitation of the EverSmart Pro scanning application.

    Please feel free to contact me by pm if you have other questions. I own an EverSmart Pro and am very familar with its capabilities vis-svis other high end scanners.

    As an all-around scanner for 35mm to LF the EverSmart Pro would be hard to beat at 2000 euros.

    Sandy King

  6. #6
    Ted Harris's Avatar
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    Re: Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?

    To add to Sandy's comments. You'll have a faster workflow with the Eversmart than you have with the Howtek. You may have a better shot at replacement parts. Make a comparison if you can of scans from your 4000 and the Eversmart. The 4000 may do better with 35mm but you should check. From 120 to 8x10 the Eversmart is abetter choice than the 4000 IMO.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?

    I have seen Cezanne Elite Scanners in Europe for about the same price or even lower. I think it is possible to find a better deal, even possibly finding an iqsmart or Creo pro II.

    It is not a bad deal at this very moment in time since a Creo Jazz+ is going for over $2000USD on Ebay right now. At the same time, in recent enough months past I have seen a few Jazz scanners go in past go for $1200 max. I have also seen the IQ2, Creo II, etc. scanners go for $3000 with everything in perfect condition with all software.

    IMHO, it is entirely dependent on the market and right now it seems not many of these nicer flatbeds are showing up, so anytime even an "ok" (Jazz+) one does, it is receiving a good bit of attention. Catch some when the market is shifting interest and you can land a far superior machine for the price you are willing to pay now for wait for that exact same scanner to show up for 1000EUR max. I have seen a couple go in excellent condition for $800-$1500 maximum prior to this LF interest that seems to have spread over to Fleabay.

    Patience and personal financial conditions are your best answers. Financial conditions meaning you have a lot of money and may consider even getting a nice condition scanner such as the one you are considering, but at a cheaper price due to an issue? and send it in to have it upgraded to the II version. Or patience to wait until the higher end scanner at a better price shows up. I.E. A Cezanne Elite for say, 2000EUR would not be unreasonable even at this point in time. The IQ's will be the tougher ones to find.

    Not exactly a flatbed, but you could probably negotiate pricing here for this one:

  8. #8

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    Re: Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?

    Quote Originally Posted by sanking View Post
    I think for 2000 euro the EverSmart Pro is a very good buy, if working well and with the software and calibration slide.

    However, I am not sure as to the anticipated use. If for 35mm and MF negatives or slides the Howtek D4000 should give better results, especially if you are able to save files in high bit. That assumes a perfectly working Howtek D4000, of course.

    If your major use is for 4X5 and larger negatives the EverSmart Pro wins hands down, even with the 8-bit save limitation of the EverSmart Pro scanning application.

    Please feel free to contact me by pm if you have other questions. I own an EverSmart Pro and am very familar with its capabilities vis-svis other high end scanners.

    As an all-around scanner for 35mm to LF the EverSmart Pro would be hard to beat at 2000 euros.

    Sandy King

    Why would the Howtek be superior for the smaller formats but inferior with the larger formats? You have also stated in past that 35mm-MF is inferior to dedicated film scanners by which a drum scanner should be competitively equal to a dedicated film scanner, if not better. Why would you recommend the scanner as an all-around scanner?

    Only curious because if this is true, I would consider this option one day when I have the luxury to do so, have a flatbed of this type or better to scan all types of film in spite people saying digital has film beat up to medium format (that 35mm is dead in spite tons of people continue to shoot it over digital).

  9. #9

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    South Carolina

    Re: Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?

    Quote Originally Posted by audioexcels View Post
    Why would the Howtek be superior for the smaller formats but inferior with the larger formats? You have also stated in past that 35mm-MF is inferior to dedicated film scanners by which a drum scanner should be competitively equal to a dedicated film scanner, if not better. Why would you recommend the scanner as an all-around scanner?

    Only curious because if this is true, I would consider this option one day when I have the luxury to do so, have a flatbed of this type or better to scan all types of film in spite people saying digital has film beat up to medium format (that 35mm is dead in spite tons of people continue to shoot it over digital).
    The Howtek D4500 will scan at 4000 spi, and you can save in RGB high bit. The EverSmart Pro will scan at a maximum optical resolution of 3175 spi and you can only save in 8-bit. The extra resolution plus the ability to save in high bit gives the Howtek an advantage for 35mm and MF negatives, IMO, though in fact most negatives don't really have more than 3175 spi of real information.

    For LF I would prefer the EverSmart because in practice one would rarely ever need more than 3175 spi, and the flatbed is easier to use than the drum scanner.

    Hope this answers your question.

    Sandy King

  10. #10
    Ted Harris's Avatar
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    Re: Creo Eversmart Pro, to buy or not to buy?

    Quote Originally Posted by audioexcels View Post
    I have seen Cezanne Elite Scanners in Europe for about the same price or even lower. I think it is possible to find a better deal, even possibly finding an iqsmart or Creo pro II.

    It is not a bad deal at this very moment in time since a Creo Jazz+ is going for over $2000USD on Ebay right now. At the same time, in recent enough months past I have seen a few Jazz scanners go in past go for $1200 max. I have also seen the IQ2, Creo II, etc. scanners go for $3000 with everything in perfect condition with all software.

    IMHO, it is entirely dependent on the market and right now it seems not many of these nicer flatbeds are showing up, so anytime even an "ok" (Jazz+) one does, it is receiving a good bit of attention. Catch some when the market is shifting interest and you can land a far superior machine for the price you are willing to pay now for wait for that exact same scanner to show up for 1000EUR max. I have seen a couple go in excellent condition for $800-$1500 maximum prior to this LF interest that seems to have spread over to Fleabay.

    In this instance your analysis of the market, IMO, is far from accurate. eBay is not a bellweather for used high end scanners for several reasons:

    1) The majority of high end scanners available on the used market come either from equipment brokers or private sales from labs and pre press operations.

    2) you can't determine condition by what the seller says. I have spoken with two different repair facilities and they both estimate that approximately three times as many major repairs are required for eBay purchases as for machines acquired elsewhere.

    3) To keep things in perspective, €3000 for Jazz+ is a little more than 10¢ on the dollar. Sure you can shop and shop and sometimes get lucky but the vast majority of the time you get what you pay for.

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