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Thread: That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth


    A couple of months ago I said that I'd redo another version of the LF Photo group portfolio book that was printed at Lulu. The first version was purchased by almost 50 of you even though you had been warned that it was just a test and that the Lulu printing was horrible.

    I mean it really sucked!

    In spite of the flaws, we pretty much agreed that Lulu was the way to go for making an easy to purchase, affordable book... or at least I talked you into it ;-)

    But honestly I was cringing at the prospect and I procrastinated... I really didn't have the enthusiasm to do another half-assed book because the reproduction was so lousy.

    However, in recent months I have been experimenting with books from Blurb. Here's one I did for myself:

    The larger (8x10 and up) books are printed using and HP Indigo (ink on paper) versus Lulu's Xerox iGen (toner based), yet the 8x10 softcover size is still reasonably priced. They also offer a larger size and hardcover options.

    But here is the GOOD NEWS: Blurb prints B&Ws as NEUTRALS. Honest to goodness, I can't see a color shift. I submitted greyscale files on the advice of a friend and Blurb automagically converts them to sRGB and prints them neutral. I am thrilled!!!

    OK, I saw a little banding in the most delicate transitions and in certain areas I could pick up a subtle coolness but these are really better than any other Print on Demand publisher I've seen to date. And they are a helluvalot less than Asuka or Shared Ink.

    BAD NEWS: They require that I use their own software to lay out the book -- I can't submit a PDF like at Lulu. It's laborious. I would require exporting jpgs from every page of the InDesign book that I already did. Or starting over from scratch. However, it is not rocket science.

    I don't have 2-3 days to devote to this. Things are getting busy with my photography business and frankly I am hoping that I can pass this off to some willing good hearted soul.

    I would send them a disc with all the files and offer to coach them through the process. They should probably know how to use (and own) Adobe InDesign and know their way around printing good inkjets -- I really don't have the time to teach a tyro from the ground up -- but someone with reasonable skills who has a couple of days to devote to this would be ideal.

    Or... well we could just let it slide as a fun experiment. Everything has its place.

    Or, imho, we probably would do best to start over and make everyone resend new files sized and ready to insert into the Blurb software... that would make the task a heck of a lot easier for the designer, but we'd have to come to agreement as to sizes and probably post a master template for people to download and follow. But it could all be done via email. So that would be something to contemplate. However, last time we had about 100 participants and dealing with all those emails was complicated, so be warned if you volunteer for this hazardous duty.

    Anyway, I would help but I don't want to be the point man for round two....

    Regardless, try Blurb for your own projects, I am really happy with the results.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Fayetteville,AR, USA

    Re: That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth

    Still waiting for a book of your work. Drop me a line when forthcoming.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth


    Isn't there still a dvd around that contains all the photos?

    IIRC, you were very close to publish a revised version of the book on lulu, which I'd order even in lousy quality.

    Anyway, the link to blurb may be useful eventually.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth

    Quote Originally Posted by nelsonfotodotcom View Post
    Still waiting for a book of your work. Drop me a line when forthcoming.

    the link frank supplied IS his book <g>

    great stuff frank!


  5. #5

    Re: That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth

    ... to save time you might try rasterizing your pdf's in photoshop and then drop them as a single photo into Blurb.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Fayetteville,AR, USA

    Re: That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth

    I should let my Adderall kick in before I try to read anything, I fear. Can't believe I missed that link!

    Quote Originally Posted by jnanian View Post

    the link frank supplied IS his book <g>

    great stuff frank!


  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Germany, Aalen

    Thumbs up Re: That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth

    Hi Frank. This sounds to me as a reasonable solution. I have even heard that Blurb opened also somewhere in Europe (Holland ?).

    I do agree that the best idea would be to ask the ones who joined (and possibly open for new submissions too) for a JPG file that is exactely scaled for the 8x10 book so it would be much easier to finish. Also the possible Blurb layouts are OK (I have tryied the software some time ago and they keep improving).

    What concerns me - I would prefere to get good printed images that the best layout, but poor printing quality.

  8. #8
    Robert A. Zeichner's Avatar
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    Southfield, Michigan

    Re: That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth

    I have tried Blurb for my first POD book and have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at the quality. No, it's not duotone offset litho, but I also don't have a basement full of books that cost me several tens of thousands to have printed and bound. I find it to be a great portable portfolio to show people and the vast majority of them accept it as a "real" publication. In fact, I usually am asked if they could buy it at Borders or Barnes & Noble.

    Here's a link to what I have done:

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Milford Pa.

    Re: That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth

    sounds great. i do not have the skills to help. but i would like to see if i could get a copy of the book and/or submit for a new book. i will be watching.

    My YouTube Channel has many interesting videos on Soft Focus Lenses and Wood Cameras. Check it out.

    My YouTube videos gallery

  10. #10
    Cooke, Heliar, Petzval...yeah
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: That LF Forum Print On Demand Book.... Rebirth

    I'd like to add a picture to book. Is that doable again?
    Peter Hruby

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