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Thread: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

  1. #31

    Join Date
    May 2007
    20mins north of boston

    Re: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

    The best way for film is to ship USPS Priority service to yourself where your going as I did when I went to Yellowstone N.P.
    Lauren MacIntosh

    Whats in back of you is the past and whats in front of you is the future now in the middle you have choices to make for yourself:

  2. #32

    Re: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

    Went to Vegas about six months ago and had everything xrayed. My 4x5 pictures looked a little fried after development, so I developed an unexposed sheet that went with and one that stayed home. Apparently someone needs to learn to meter properly as both sheets had the same base fog.

    Dad, why is the lens cap on?

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Milford Pa.

    Re: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by seawolf66 View Post
    The best way for film is to ship USPS Priority service to yourself where your going as I did when I went to Yellowstone N.P.
    yup. i routinely send stuff to myself. at times i send it to several different PO and then when i pick one box up i ship the exposed stuff back to myself. i have done this this overseas as well. thailand has a particularly good postal system.

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  4. #34

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

    I've never really gotten it clear that any shipping service does not absolutely for sure 100% not X-ray film... so what's the difference? It could be zapped anywhere.

  5. #35
    IanG's Avatar
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    Re: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

    Many of the private carriers/shipping services use the same type of scanners as the airports use for hand baggage, although usually for more random scanning.

    These scanners are everywhere not just airlines, many ferry ports use them, also shopping centres (malls) in some countries.


  6. #36

    Re: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

    One way to get film past tsa checkers to remove the foil envelope so that the metal detecters will not find it and put it somewhere on your body.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Pine Junction, CO

    Re: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

    I think your mistake was asking for hand inspection. I've never seen any negative (pun intended) affect from running film through the airport xray machines. I just got back from a cross country trip, and my pack with film in both boxes and film holders went right through the inspection without delay. I have seen a suggestion that you could carry film in the cargo pockets of you pants through the metal detector. I was going to do it this last trip, but my pockets were not big enough! Maybe next time.
    Keith Pitman

  8. #38
    andrew vincent's Avatar
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    Re: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

    just got back from Mexico - there and back, carried all my 4x5 gear (sans tripod, which was in luggage) on a carry-on, and they handchecked my quickloads without an issue.

  9. #39

    Join Date
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    Regina, SK, CA

    Re: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Ewins View Post
    Why do we go along with this sh***?? I'm glad I no longer need to fly. When will there be check points at city limits???
    Until they build the bridge over the Bering Strait, we're kind of stuck - not that I welcome the drive from Saskatchewan to the UK via Russia. That would take awhile.

  10. #40

    Re: flying with sheet films, recent experience.

    So the general consensus seems to suggest hand check x-rays are safe for slower film, packing films in pockets, using quickload film packets, or mailing/shipping films to and back.

    No one have said anything about flying with film size larger than 45? Anyone?

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