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Thread: Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

  1. #1
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    I'm travelling and having to change sheet film inside a bag, where it's not poss ible to blow on the film edge to seperate it from the back of the holder (to mak e it easier to remove). Hence this afternoon, had a hell of a time removing jus t 15 or so sheets, taking 2 hours, and possibly damaging the film from all the e xtra handling!!

    Any real world secrets to do this trick? Thanks in advance. (And yes, I know I should have sprung for a good changing tent - but that wouldn't help this probl em.) Andre

  2. #2
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    I don't understand the problem, could you elaborate on why it is difficult ? In my holders (standard lisco/fidelity), there is a small circular depression at the end. I use it to just grab the film between two fingers enough to pull it out, then I hold film by the edges. I never had any problems to unload 30 sheets in 15 min or less. If you're worried about leaving finger marks on your film, remember that they are washed out by processing unless your hands are extremely dirty.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 1998

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    Don't trim (or bite!) your finger nails so close. There is an indent on the holder to slip your fingernail under the film.

  4. #4

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    what kind of film ? are you using different film on this trip ? different emulsions ( I'm no authority, having used only three ) seem to act differently in the holders. but all the same, to take that long on 15 sheets indicates a problem - but before the LF detectives can solve your problem, you need to be more informative as to the exact conditions you're encountering. regards,

  5. #5

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    Yes. I had the same problem. My nails is trimmed and I couldn't slip my nail under the film if holder is lay down. . Now I keep the holder verticaly, like this:[===] and film separates from holder bottom a little. It works!

  6. #6

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?


    A couple of points:

    Make up a small knock-together / knock-down frame sized to snugly fit the dark-bag from electrical conduit and corners (or similar).

    Place this in the bag before loading/unloading to keep the bag from falling onto the folder/film. It is light and doesn't take up a lot of room when disassembled.

    Load/Unload only a couple of holders at a time. The humoidty inside the bag becomes quite high with lengthy durations of having your hands functioning inside the relatively light tight bag. The build up of humidity in turn causes the film to 'stick' to the septum in the holder.

    If your travels include hotel rooms try to black out the bathroom, remove any fluoro's from their holders and work comfortably on the bench or lavatory lid. Be sure to wipe down any surface you intend using and perform the operation prior to showering, towelling or spraying.

    In the hope that this is of some help I wish you safe journeys and successful shooting ... WG

  7. #7

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    I use the bottle opener blade on a Swiss Army knife to remove film from 4x5 holders (really!). Slide the flat of the blade just under the edge of the film. When it pops up, pinch it between the blade and your thumb. It's easy to pull out.

    I can feel you recoiling in horror....a knife blade to remove film? For one, the edges of the bottle opener are smooth, not sharp, so it's actually quite difficult to scratch the film. Second, you only need insert the blade a small distance under the film. Not as scary as it sounds.

    I've damaged far more film with my fingers than with the knife.

    Good luck!

  8. #8

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    Walter: Spraying??? Like a cat?

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    San Clemente, California

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    I think he's referring to hair spray, etc.

  10. #10
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    Good techniqueto UNLOAD Film Holders Inside a Changing Bag?

    Q.-Tuan Luong : I'm using Fidelity Elite's, and the button you speak about does help - but in my holders, it's only on one side. It's also easier to unload E100SW, for example than the HP5+, and yes, I do like to keep my nails very short.

    That's reasurring to hear about the fingerprints washing out during processing, but fingerprints on the emulsiom side can't be good at anytime....

    I have a tool similar to the Swiss Army tool above, and will use that until I let a nail grow out a little. Andre

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