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Thread: Who's Day Job is Photography?

  1. #11
    Vaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Who's Day Job is Photography?

    Its my half-time job for the university (in charge of operating the teaching darkroom & care of assorted photographic equipment), and a full-time avocation...along with being a full-time dad to three 10 year old boys.


    "Sleep is for wimps," he whimpered.

  2. #12
    bob carnie's Avatar
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    Toronto, Ontario,

    Re: Who's Day Job is Photography?

    Absolutely all my income and my wife as well is derived from photography. The bulk of it is in printing.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Baraboo, Wisconsin

    Re: Who's Day Job is Photography?

    Photography has never been a source of income except for the very occasional sale by happenstance. I used to have a gallery that represented me but they closed down and absconded with my photographs. I did work in a pro camera store for a few months years ago but that was because the store was for sale and I was thinking of buying it. I quickly learned that the only harder way of making a living than being a commercial photographer was owning a store that sold to them so I abandoned the idea of buying the store.
    Brian Ellis
    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do criticize them you'll be
    a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

  4. #14
    Mark Sawyer's Avatar
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    Stuck inside of Tucson with the Neverland Blues again...

    Re: Who's Day Job is Photography?

    I teach high school photography, which is sometimes more akin to baby-sitting, though I do get a few very insightful kisds each year. And once in a while a little part time community college photo course. Does that count?
    "I love my Verito lens, but I always have to sharpen everything in Photoshop..."

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Northern California

    Re: Who's Day Job is Photography?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk Gittings View Post
    Just curious. Whose day job is photography? Or if you are like me it is my day, night, weekends and holidays job.
    Alas, count me with the alternate time group when I'm not trying to make a living. The best I can hope for is that my day job allows me the materials and especially the means (like time) to follow the passion of photography.

  6. #16
    Dave Karp
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    Los Angeles, CA

    Re: Who's Day Job is Photography?

    Just for fun for me. I used to be a marketing manager, so I was involved with all the photography for our products, including location photos. I used to do a lot of it myself, and also worked closely with the pro photographer we hired regularly. I learned a lot from him, and this is how I ended up in LF photography. Since leaving that job, it is all just for fun.

  7. #17
    Dave Karp
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    Los Angeles, CA

    Re: Who's Day Job is Photography?

    Quote Originally Posted by Norm Buchanan View Post
    Ha, I wish!
    Maybe, maybe not. I just related this story to another forum member via pm the other day. I have a friend who worked for many years as an engineer, but who is an excellent photographer. He gave up engineering and became a successful pro photographer. He never had time to do his own photography. Eventually, he became so disillusioned doing photography for other people, he quit and went back into engineering! After that, whatever time he did have for photography was for him.

  8. #18

    Join Date
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    Oslo, Norway

    Re: Who's Day Job is Photography?

    Part time freelancer here, and I think I like it that way.
    Digital is nice but film is like having sex with light.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Long Beach, CA

    Re: Who's Day Job is Photography?

    Photography represents a lot of what I do in terms of my time, but less and less in terms of my income, as I do more and more translating to pay the bills. I have backed off from a lot of the commercial photo work I used to do to support my artwork, as I find commercial photography to be a brutal and hellacious way to make a living, and ultimately one not suited to my temperament (congrats to those who are able to do so!). The great thing for me has been that now, in doing the translating, I make more money in less time and with far less hassle, which means I spend more and more time doing my own art, so, in doing less photography, I am actually doing more photography now, which makes me quite happy. In the end, it's acrobatics no matter what.

  10. #20

    Re: Who's Day Job is Photography?

    Yeah ... 25 hours a day sometimes.

    Largely somewhat anonymous corporate work, though I am trying to break into bigger and more lucrative markets. I also photograph lots of different musicians, which is creative, though not always well paid; my images from that have ended up in many small regional magazines, lots of posters, and some music CD packages. I have done some event/night club work in the past, though mostly moved away from that when pay levels went too low.

    It is not always an easy line of work. I have done illustration and design work in the past, which is what led me into doing photography full time. Now I spend more time in meetings, writing proposals, and doing paperwork than I spend on location doing a shoot . . . the reality of this profession is nothing like the movies, but I enjoy the creative challenges so much that I could not imagine doing anything else.


    Gordon Moat Photography

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