Hi, Arne.

I happen to use a Calumet 90mm f4.5 Caltar II for architectural and landscape work. It's a big and somewhat heavy piece of glass that really delivers a fine image. I think it is made by Rodenstock.

I highly recommend it unless weight is a big issue.

Back in my high school and college yearbook days (60's and early 70's), I used a Crown Graphic that had a 90mm Wollensak (optar?) that weighed almost nothing and could slip into a shirt pocket, board and all. I think it was an f8. A little tough to focus in dim light, but I recall the images were as sharp as I wanted even for big enlargements. Anyway, you might check out the offerings on ebay. Some of those old lenses, even though they don't have the modern coatings, still do a fine job. If the shutter isn't perfect, take a look at a simple, clean lube and adjust. Flutot's camera repair does great work for a very reasonable price.