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Thread: Eastern Sierra Fall color

  1. #1

    Eastern Sierra Fall color

    Does anyone know or can predict how the fall colors are shaping up this year in the Eastern Sierras. I would like to take a trip there, but can't break away from work until mid-October. Is that too late?

    I've never been there, but was thinking about Bishop Creek and Lundy Canyon area. Are those good choices? Any specific suggestions on where to shoot would be welcome.


  2. #2
    Jack Flesher's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Los Altos, CA

    Re: Eastern Sierra Fall color

    This is a pretty good current reference:

    Historically, the best week for Eastern Sierra fall color around June Lakes is the 3rd week in October. Unfortunately this can vary by as many as 10 days either way...

    Jack Flesher

  3. #3
    matthew blais's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Riverside, CA

    Re: Eastern Sierra Fall color

    Perhaps you'd like to join this get together/workshop? It's FREE
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  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2006
    grand rapids

    Re: Eastern Sierra Fall color

    I use the calphoto site and it's pretty up to date and accurate as you get closer to peak colors. I'll be up there with a bunch of other clowns for a Per Volquartz get together in mid-October as well. Last year at the same time we were a bit late for peak color, many leaves had fallen already.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Eastern Sierra Fall color

    The second or third week is usually the best - it does vary. There are ranger stations in Bishop and Bridgeport you can call and ask. Bridgeport is further north and higher in elevation so I would check with both.

    steve simmons

  6. #6

    Re: Eastern Sierra Fall color

    Kerik Kouklis

  7. #7
    Large format foamer! SamReeves's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Re: Eastern Sierra Fall color

    Definitely head up there mid-October, but not after that point.

  8. #8

    Re: Eastern Sierra Fall color

    This is helpful. Thank you for the responses


  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Eastern Sierra Fall color

    I was in June Lake on Saturday (9/22). The aspens were just starting to turn. Many, many still green; some intermediate; a few full yellow.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2006
    SF Bay Area

    Re: Eastern Sierra Fall color

    Mid-October wil likely be past the peak in some of the more prominent areas. However leaves at different elevations, exposures, and latitudes don't undergo color changes at the same dates. The highest aspen groves a bit over 10,000 feet tend to turn first and over a period of about 3 weeks that drops to the lowest aspen a bit over 6,000 feet. Each year the period of aspen grove leaf changes varies a bit depending on what weather conditions have occurred. This week reports have shown that leaves seems to be delayed in change in areas that usually change at this time. Thus that may mean other areas will see some delay too though the weather the next few weeks will have a lot to do with it. When any really cold air comes down from the north, it might suddenly cause leaves on any trees that have already started to change to lose the better glowing color qualities and go immediately to a black rotting condition. Likewise storming windy fronts can blow most leaves off whole groves in exposed areas in a single day. Thus planning one's visit for the end of the usual leaf change period gambles that such an event won't occur. Aspen groves in the Tahoe area seem to change a bit later than those down south. Usually the Hope Valley groves on state route 88 and the groves next to Lake Tahoe along state route 89 at Taylor and Tallac Creeks change mid month. ...David

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