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Thread: Image Circle too small?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    up north in't England

    Re: Image Circle too small?

    This image circle business takes some getting your head around!
    Trouble is, as David says, my camera, the Ebony RSW45 doesn't have and rear movement at all, only front.
    I s'pose it'll mean just using the lens with little of no movement.

  2. #12
    SF Bay Area 94303
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    SF Bay Area

    Re: Image Circle too small?

    I have found that wide angle lenses are a terrific way to make everything look tiny except my feet. I usually end up using them straight on.


  3. #13

    Re: Image Circle too small?

    My Fujinon 105 has the same size image circle. I use it as a lens "wider than the 135. Your 55mm lens is certainly wide. Most of the time you shouldn't need much movement. I would just use it when you want a very wide lens and not worry about the coverage. You can always crop a little if needed.

    I believe a more useful first lens would have been a 210. The greater magnification makes everything easier to see, especially when you are just starting.


  4. #14

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Northern California

    Re: Image Circle too small?

    Er, maybe this has been pointed out before, but you can accomplish back tilt by tilting the front standard and then tilting the entire camera in the reverse direction until the front standard is vertical. You'll probably need some shift as well to realign the optical axis. And as with a rear standard tilt, any amount of tilt is possible with the front standard without exceeding the lens image circle provided you use shift as well.

    For instance, with a forward tilt and downward shift of the front standard, unlimited tilts are possible while staying within the image circle of the lens. Whether this is useful for the composition is another matter.

  5. #15

    Re: Image Circle too small?

    Look at a depth of field chart....Do you need to use tilt with this wide a lens?


  6. #16

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Image Circle too small?

    Hi "Uni" - I've just realised that it's "my" 55mm that's giving you this headache
    Lenses such as the 55mm along with the 47XL and even up to and including 75mm focal lengths can be a PITA when it comes to starting out in LF and playing around with /seeing the effect of camera movements. As for things like "image circles" etc then it can get even more daunting. The 55mm is certainly NOT the ideal first lens - BUT hang on to it as it will prove its worth!

    I would recommend getting hold of a cheap 150mm lens if you can. The RSW will handle this length of lens and although you may be restricted a bit when it comes to close focussing with it on the camera (limited bellows extension of the RSW) it will certainly help you to "see" the effect of movements that you have applied to the camera.

    Back to the lens in question! Hope I'm not teaching you to suck eggs but a brief overview of "image circle" - The image projected by the 55mm lens is a (rough) circle that is in excess of 163mm in diameter BUT the useable (sharp) area of the image is about 163mm in diameter - get a pair of compasses or for less accuarcy draw a circle 163mm in diameter on a sheet of paper. This is the size of the image this lens will produce on a ground glass screen when focussed at infinity. Now cut out a rectangle roughly 9x12 cms from another sheet of paper - this (roughly) represents your piece of 5x4 sheet film. Place the rectangle roughly centrally on the circle you have drawn. This is the position of the film in your camera in relation to the lens with NO movements applied, no rise/fall or tilt. As you can see the circle extends happily outside the sheet of film - this means the lens will cover the 5x4 format. Different lenses have different image circles, some larger and some smaller - the size of the film stays the same but the "coverage" changes. When the image circle is less than the dimensions of the sheet of film is when you find out that the lens wasn't designed for this format! The one lens that springs to mind is the (old) Schneider 100mm Apo Symmar. A frighteningly sharp lens but one designed for use with roll film formats and it had an image circle that was only 145mm in diameter - it couldn't cover the corners of a sheet of 5x4 film. For a lens to cover a sheet of 5x4 film it needs to have an image circle of at least 150 mm as a rough estimate.

    If you go back to your drawing of the circle and start to move the sheet of film around within it you will see that the amount of movement is quite restricted before the "sheet" starts clipping the edge of the circle - this "shows" you that the 55mm will cover the 5x4 format but not allow much movement. You also need to realise that as you move the sheet of film closer to the edge of the circle the illumination created by the lens will become less - the image will be darker and this can lead to vignetting - so for best results keep the sheet of film closer to the central portion of the image circle.

    But all is not doom and gloom! The 55mm lens is so wide that you can put it on your RSW and centre lens and camera back and when you look at the ground glass and focus at infinity you will see that not only do you have a very wide view, but that even with the lens wide open the foreground is sharp. By the time you stop the lens down to say f16 then you will have everything from the tripod feet to infinity in sharp focus so you don't need to use any front tilt! Great but a bit boring when you want to contort your new camera into all sorts of weird and wonderful shapes, I know!

    Its best to think of this camera/lens combo as a wide angle point and shoot. Simply bung it on the tripod, focus far and stop the lens down. Even when using this lens on interior shots the amount of movement needed was MINIMAL -again, almost point and shoot!

    With a longer lens like a 150mm you will be able to set the camera up and observe the plane of focus moving as you apply movements - but with a wide lens this is simply too difficult to observe. Most modern 150mm have a big enough image circle to cover a sheet of 5x7 inch film so will allow masses of camera movements before hitting the boundary of their image circle.

    I hope this has helped/makes sense and apologies if you know this already

    If you need any more info/advice feel free to email me!

    Next problem - loading sheet film holders!

    Regards Paul

  7. #17

    Re: Image Circle too small?

    Just to add a bit to Paul's excellent explanation and suggestions, here are the hyperfocal calculations for the 55mm APO Grandagon that I have had success in using with the camera zeroed:

    Aperture HF Distance (ft)
    16 6.2
    22 4.5
    32 3.1
    45 2.2

    So for example at f/22, everything from approx. 2.2 ft to infinity will be in acceptably sharp focus. To set the actual HF distance, first note the position for infinity focus, and then extend your bellows by 1/10th the aperture in mm (i.e. f/22 translates to a 2.2 mm extension of the bellows from infinity).

    For tilts, the best you are going to do is about 2 degress of rear base tilt. This will require a bit of front fall to prevent vignetting (about 3 mm worth, but calibrate this on your set-up)

    Hope some of this helps. The 55 APO Grandagon is my first ultrawide as well. It is worth persisting as it is truly a stellar performer optically (comparable to my 135 Sironar-S)

  8. #18

    Re: Image Circle too small?

    O.K, so the formatting went haywire when I posted my nice little table. The first number is aperture and the second HF distance.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    up north in't England

    Re: Image Circle too small?

    Paul - what a small world! thanks for the information, your explanation is considerably easier to understand than the book I was reading, or maybe the info is finally filtering into my head! I went out today and had a play with the lens on the camera and practiced focusing with a lupe and although it gets mighty dark towards the edges at least I can do it.

    I've now managed to get a 90mm and 135mm at a reasonable price so I can practice more with camera movement - as you say, I now need to overcome the joys of film loading!

    JP - thanks for the focusing tips, this is one thing that's confusing me a little, the focusing to infinity - with my 35mm and medium format work I always used hyperfocal focusing for my landscape work but was wondering what the score was with LF - so your info is most valuable. I've now spent a couple more hours reading up on focusing / choosing f-stops and I'm now so confused I'm giving up and going back to my D200... only joking!
    Last edited by uniB; 15-Aug-2007 at 17:40.

  10. #20

    Re: Image Circle too small?

    My pleasure. I have learned so much from this forum and the excellent participants it's the least I can do to give something back from my own experiences.

    Enjoy the adventure,


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