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Thread: Reasonble, Reliable FTP Sites?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    Reasonble, Reliable FTP Sites?

    Occassionally, there's a need to send large files like images to clients through the internet. What's a good FTP site that's reasonably priced and reliable?

  2. #2

    Re: Reasonble, Reliable FTP Sites?

    I've had the best luck with

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Washington DC/San Francisco, CA

    Re: Reasonble, Reliable FTP Sites?


    If you're on a Mac get (aka .Mac) and then download a program called filechute (you can find it on the .mac site for 'popular programs') it's designed to work with .mac. You simply open filechute, drag the file into the 'chute' and it loads it onto your FTP that comes with .mac.

    You send your clients the URL for the file as generated by filechute/.mac and they key in the URL and download the file.

    VERY simple, VERY reliable. A .mac 'membership' is 99.00 per year. It MAY work with a PC, I'm not sure. Look into it.


    Robb Scharetg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Morro Bay, Ca

    Re: Reasonble, Reliable FTP Sites?

    I've used
    You will have to download their software, which is free. What might be a problem is that the recipient also has to download the software... but it's free and it works!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Between Heaven and Hell

    Re: Reasonble, Reliable FTP Sites?

  6. #6
    Daniel Geiger

    Re: Reasonble, Reliable FTP Sites?

    Many web hosting packages have ftp set-ups as part of the service package. My current package for roughly $100/year has currently 50 GB storage, 750 GB/month transfer, with password protected ftp or also anonymous ftp, or simple upload to a website, where anybody can download files using any web browser. So if you have a website anyway, this may be the most effective option.

    I have noticed that a bunch of my colleagues do not know what ftp is, or how to use a ftp utility, so I just put the files into a directory on the website:
    So when you hack in the URL
    you will get a listing of files and with click-hold you can save the file to your favorite destination. Works like a charm from here in the US to Australia, NZ and Europe, from just a few 10s of megs to 1.5 GB of stuff.

    Some larger outfits (publishers) have their own ftp server, so you only have to upload the file to their final server, no intermediary necessary.

    good luck

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