Quote Originally Posted by Scott Soper View Post

I have the 45MCRX with a EL-Nikkor 135mm lens. That setup will do an 18x25 print on the baseboard.

With a 150mm lens, your measurement of 15x19 on the baseboard sounds about right.

As stated above, if you want larger prints, you can:

1) use a 135mm lens
2) rotate the enlarger head 90 degrees
3) drop the baseboard (my preferred solution)

My Beseler has been a solid workhorse, and I've never had a desire to trade it in. I've just started using an Aristo T12 head for printing 8x10 negs (with a custom adaptor for the enlarger head), and have been pleased with the results.

Dear Scott:

I,too have a beseler 45mxt. I am now starting to shoot 8x10, and am thinking of adapting my Beseler. What sort of adapter did you use, and what has been your experience? David Michael Bigeleisen bigelaw@ix.netcom.com