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Thread: Educate me on Graphics please

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Educate me on Graphics please

    View Camera magazine did a series on these cameras about 3 years ago and we have done articles since then on modifying them to be more usefull for today's photographers.
    stev simmons

  2. #12
    Jim Jones's Avatar
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    Chillicothe Missouri USA

    Re: Educate me on Graphics please

    The bible for Graphic users is Graphic Graflex Photography by Willard Morgan and Henry Lester. The 8th edition of 1947 and later editions cover the Pacemaker line. Copies are sometimes available on ebay and from online booksellers.

  3. #13

    Join Date
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    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: Educate me on Graphics please

    You've gotten lots of great info here---all that I can add is that they are FUN!
    Last edited by John Kasaian; 14-Feb-2007 at 08:50. Reason: forgot the smilie!
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  4. #14
    Seattle photographer Photomax's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Educate me on Graphics please

    Thanks to all.

    I will keep my eyes open. There are a couple of local stores to check out. I don't see anything great on eBay right now. I did view the previously sold items and it does look they come through eBay quite regularly.

    Why do I want one of these? Short answer is that I like messing around with cameras. It would be great to have a cheap capable 4x5 "folder"... I know there are more capable field cameras out there but I just want to play and not spend a ton of cash. Its good to get away from the routine photography that pays the mortgage etc...

    I have a Sinar 4x5, Gaoersi 6x17, Bronica GS1 6x7, Agfa MF folder, Pentax LX w/ 40mm "pancake" lens, Leica IIIF, and a ton of Canon digital/film/glass...

  5. #15

    Join Date
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    Minneapolis, MN

    Re: Educate me on Graphics please

    If you are willing to look at other manufacturers, I'd recommend the Busch Pressman D. I'm very happy with the one I bought on eBay; it's got a metal frame, some front lensboard movement not found on older Graphics, and is easy to use. Doesn't have a Graflock back, though, so won't take some 6x9 backs, but is fine with standard press sheet film holders.

  6. #16

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    nuevo mexico

    Re: Educate me on Graphics please

    Looking at ebay, the prices range from $200 (poor condition) to $600 (mint condition) for just the camera and one lens. Todd's kit, which has been referenced earlier, has two lenses, the original hard case, and a whole bunch of other stuff. It's also in mint condition. I spend a good deal of time and money on item and have researched the pricing for him. $599 plus shipping is not a ridiculous price.

  7. #17

    Join Date
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    Harbor City, California

    Re: Educate me on Graphics please

    Many of these cameras will have an original lens included, a 127mm or 135mm f4.5 or f4.7. These were favorites of press photographers, but offer no use of movements. if you don't care about this they are great for handheld use and the Graphics have little movement capability anyway. If you do care, maybe a lens you already have will be better for you and a camera body by itself a better purchase.

  8. #18

    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Educate me on Graphics please

    I'll just throw in a few more pros and cons. I've got four Speed Graphics and a Super Graphic, all of them bought cheaply. I use mine with flash bulbs for people pictures at events. For this a working rangefinder is invaluable as I have limited DOF.

    point 1: If buying on eBay make sure the graflok back is still there. The graflok back sells for $100 or so by itself and other bits are readily saleable, so you will see scruffy Speed Graphics that have been scrapped for bits, or others where just the back is missing. One of my Speeds was in perfect working order and good cosmetic condition but had the back missing. I paid $50 for it.

    point 2: The top range finder on the later models uses cams like a Linhof. These are rare in any other focal length than 135mm. The Super Graphic also uses cams, but they are different again and almost impossible to find in anything other than 135mm. With luck you might find someone who can make a copy of the one you need. The top rangefinder system has weak point which is a flexible metal tongue that fits between the fold out bed and the body of the camera. This jams or gets a crease and wont move properly or breaks. Always test the rangefinder before you buy the camera if that feature is important to you.

    point 3: The side rangefinder can only be adjusted to one lens at a time. Sixty years on the semi silvered mirror may be very dim. I have bought a replacement on eBay and succesfully fitted it and then recalibrated the whole system. It took me three or four hours but when finished was accurate from three feet to infinity and usable in dim lighting.

    Personally, I'd go for a Crown Graphic with a side mounted Kalart RF and set it up for just one lens, somewhere between 135 and 210, and use it handheld. If you want to play with old barrel lenses then get a Speed Graphic. The shutters seem pretty reliable for something fifty to sixty years old, so if it works when you buy it chances are it will keep going if you treat it gently.

    As noted before, Fred Lustig is THE Graflex guy, but it is only really the focal plane shutters that would require his expertise.

  9. #19
    Jim Jones's Avatar
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    Chillicothe Missouri USA

    Re: Educate me on Graphics please

    Another thing to look for when buying a Pacemakder series Graphic is the infinity stops. If they are missing, replacements might cost $15 or $20 USD per pair. Extra sets are handy when using extra lenses. Another consideration is lens boards. My workhorse Graphic is an Anniversary model updated with some of the Pacemaker improvements. This lets me use simple 4 inch lens boards that are easy to make. If you use only one lens, the Pacemaker lens boards do fine.

    Be patient when shopping for a Graphic on ebay. I let a fairly nice looking one with lens slip by for about $65 a few months ago. The seller knew little about it, which may have helped. However, even if you get a lemon, there's little on a Speed Graphic that can't be fixed. Meridian, Busch, and others made cameras similar to the Graphic. Some models of Busch had a revolving back, great for vertical shots with tilting front. Older Buschs use the common 4 inch lens board. Some later ones use a smaller board that's a little harder to make or buy.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Re: Educate me on Graphics please

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Jones View Post
    Another thing to look for when buying a Pacemakder series Graphic is the infinity stops. If they are missing, replacements might cost $15 or $20 USD per pair.
    Do be careful when shopping in that the infinity stops used on Pacemaker series cameras are not interchangeable with those used on, for example, Anniversary series cameras.

    The difference is not just that the normal Pacemaker stops are "retractable" (certainly a nice feature, and necessary if one is to have several pairs mounted on the rails) and the normal Anniversary ones not, but rather that the rails on the different series' are of different cross-section.

    Best regards,


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