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Thread: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?

  1. #11
    Jim Jones's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Chillicothe Missouri USA

    Re: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?

    Walter -- I have a 90mm Angulon with a much worse scratch in the front element, and it makes good images. If you are concerned, contact the seller and try to work something out. I probably wouldn't bother.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?

    I'd use the lens first and see. If by scratch you mean a wipe mark, its most likely not a problem. OTOH if it is a scratch you can feel, filling it in with india ink or paint will often do the trick.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  3. #13

    Re: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?


    I read all the other advise and agree, but reading between the lines and making the assumption that this bothers you now, I can only tell you, give it back. This will bug you forever. You will always know, and the doubt will never fade. You bought it recently and the scratch wasn't mentioned. Ask for your money back and get another one.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?

    To ease your mind, read the Dirty Lens Test by clicking on the bottom of this page:

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank R View Post
    To ease your mind, read the Dirty Lens Test by clicking on the bottom of this page:
    Click on "Old Stuff (Classic Cameras)" and scroll to the bottom to find the link - most impressive!

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Pittsfield, MA

    Re: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?

    well, it it's any indication, this 210 Componon lens:

    took this picture (8x10 neg scanned)

    Much to my surprise, none of the rather large defect shows in the final print.
    this experiment has given me a new view on how to finish out my lens complement at a price I can afford. My 360 Componon has a small snowflake on the rear element, it does show in the specular out of focus highlights, so some care is needed. (yes, I know it's fogged, I was testing some lith film I dug out of the closet, exposed at an EI of 6, processed for 5 1/2 min D76 1:1)

    Last edited by erie patsellis; 24-Oct-2006 at 20:45.

  7. #17

    Re: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?

    How about spending less money on alcohol and more on lenses?

    Just kidding, but you left that one wide open.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Pittsfield, MA

    Re: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?

    Yeah, I did, one of the "benefits" of having a younger roomate, he hasn't reached that point in life where drinking and women isn't the focus of your life.


  9. #19
    Confidently Agnostic!
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    Victoria BC

    Re: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?

    Wait, on that 210... the big black smudge is a big chip? On first view I thought it was a reflection and that you were talking about what looks like little pits. Bit of perspective I guess

    I really just wish I had a camera to test with. It's en route, but I haven't got it yet.

    The seller was very good and offered to take it back. I'll take some test shots next week and make up my mind.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    God's Country

    Re: Tiny hairline scratch - probably not a big deal, right?


    Since you're in Calgary... take it down to The Camera Store and speak with them. I've always found them to be pretty decent folks to deal with.

    Alternatively, ask if they rent out lf cameras.

    All of the good advice notwithstanding... if you're remotely anal retentive like many lf shooters are... Ralph is right. It'll bug your butt until the situation is rectified. Sure, it won't be an issue in so far as the image goes... but it'll still bug your butt just "knowing" that there's a problem there.

    Or, at least... that's the way it is with me!

    Life in the fast lane!

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