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Thread: Fast large format Lenses.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: Fast large format Lenses.

    Quote Originally Posted by P.Esquerdo View Post
    Usually I use my lenses from f11 to f32, being f22 the one used in the majority of the cases (because it was told that modern lenses are designed to be used at that ranges).
    So the first thing you should do is make some pictures at open aperture with the lenses you already own. You might like the results. And if not, you will be better able to explain what specifically you are looking for that is different.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Fast large format Lenses.

    P., the reason modern lenses that open to f/5.6 are usually recommended for use at around f/22 is that they gain coverage when stopped down from wide open. As has already been mentioned, we don't know what you are trying to accomplish -- sorry, I'm too lazy to look up the photographer whose work you mentioned in your first post -- and most of us will agree that since you have lenses that open to f/5.6 and haven't shot them opened to f/5.6 you should try them first. The results might be what you want.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Denbigh, North Wales

    Re: Fast large format Lenses.

    Smaller Symmar-S/Apo-S/etc are already pretty sharp at f/8 and super-good from f/11 down. The bigger ones from 210 up need a bit more stopping down to be sharp over a decent area.
    I agree with Oren and Dan though, for wider-open shooting, they will be softer in the file and more vignetted, but it depends what you want. Maybe for more softness but less vignetting, at f/5.6, you might be better with a f/4.5 Tessar.

  4. #14

    Re: Fast large format Lenses.

    In Linhof Advertising of the day Schneider Symmars were touted as being totally usuable wide open. Back then sheet Kodachrome and E3 Ektachrome were sloooow. Being able to use these lenses wide open was an advertising plus for Linhof. I remember a Guy standing on a rocky outcrop in pounding surf, using either a 5x7 or 8x10 Linhof camera hand held with wide open lens.

    So, ditto on trying it wide open! My advertising literature says it is sharp wide open.

    For my uses I prefer the f4.5 Schneider Xenars which are great IMO wide open.
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  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Fast large format Lenses.

    The old lens comparison charts often gave lp/mm wide-open, no?

  6. #16

    Re: Fast large format Lenses.

    The photographer mentioned ( has wetplate portraits, figure studies, etc which are not particularly sharp. If this is what you are after I would think a f4.5 or better a f3.5 Xenar or Tessar would be fine. Your 300mm Xenar at f5.6 should also fine, maybe a bit slow.

  7. #17

    Re: Fast large format Lenses.

    Thank you all for your replies and advices.
    Before buying anything, I'm going to try all my lenses wide open to see if it fits on that look.

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