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Thread: Has anyone purchased anything from Chamonix lately?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Staten Island, NY

    Has anyone purchased anything from Chamonix lately?

    I purchased a red universal bellows for my 45H-1 last month. It supposedly shipped on the 23rd, and then the last update I have on the tracking is that it reached an EMS hub in Hangzhou, China on November 24th. Then nothing, no updates whatsoever. I reached out to Hugo who says that it's in the US just waiting to be processed by customs but I have my doubts. I've had plenty of international packages get stuck in customs before but they always at least get an initial scan when they reach the US. Is anyone else in the same boat or had a similar experience with EMS lately? It's been almost 3 weeks with zero progress on the tracking and in that time I've received other packages from all over the world including from countries that are currently experiencing armed conflict.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Bend, OR

    Re: Has anyone purchased anything from Chamonix lately?

    I ordered a bellows a few years ago- it took 5 weeks to get here and there was no word on it until it hit the US (customs or US entry or something of the sort)- I was able to track it again at that time. I was told ahead of time to expect that type of timeline so I didnt sweat it.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Staten Island, NY

    Re: Has anyone purchased anything from Chamonix lately?

    Thanks, that is reassuring. I've ordered plenty of stuff from Chamonix over the years, from cameras to replacement screws and other small parts, and it's all been delivered pretty quickly in my experience, so this is definitely out of the ordinary for me. I guess all I can do is wait it out.

  4. #4
    darr's Avatar
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    The South

    Re: Has anyone purchased anything from Chamonix lately?

    I placed an order for new bellows on Nov 18, 2023, from a Chinese-based company (not Chamonix).
    Here is the latest tracking info so you can see once USPS takes possession.
    Not much info is provided until it moves further through the USPS system:

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Has anyone purchased anything from Chamonix lately?

    Yes I have had a similar experience last month, with a similar period of no movement. EMS has become really slow. But it ended up showing up on my door fine after like 5 or 6 weeks. It used to take half that.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: Has anyone purchased anything from Chamonix lately?

    Over the years I have purchased many items from Chamonix. They were all shipped via EMS in a very timely manner.

    Recently I had ordered a small item from another company in China. Best I can surmise, that package seemed to be held up in an EMS Hub in China and all that time there was no progress on its tracking.

    Last year I had two small packages shipped from Germany to the USA. Tracking on both also mysteriously made no progress for about two weeks. I can only surmise that small packages may get lost on the conveyor belts.

    In the USA I've been told that this is common to happen with small packages "on the USPS's conveyor belts".

  7. #7
    Alan Klein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    New Jersey was NYC

    Re: Has anyone purchased anything from Chamonix lately?

    China is having economic problems with big turmoil. Maybe that accounts for all the delays.

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