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Thread: Help with Linhof multifocal optical viewfinder

  1. #1
    William D. Lester
    Join Date
    May 1999
    Windsor, Ontario, Canada

    Help with Linhof multifocal optical viewfinder

    I've had a Linhof multifocal optical viewfinder for 20 or so years. I've never used it on camera but have come to use it more for previewing a scene to determine which focal length lens I might decide to use. The problem is that the rotating ring for determining the lens focal length has become extremely stiff to turn, especially as I turn it clockwise towards the wider 90mm setting. Not sure what the reason is, possibly old dried lubricant. I'd like to know if I can somehow lubricate this, partially disassemble it though I'm not keen to try that. So I thought I would reach out for thoughts and advice.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Los Angeles

    Re: Help with Linhof multifocal optical viewfinder

    I bought one that was impossible to turn. I sent it to Bob Watkins, Precision Camera Works, at the time an authorized Linhof repair facility. Apparently he couldn’t figure out, he claimed he spoke directly to Linhof about it. After a few back and forth conversations he stopped responding and I never got the viewfinder back, repaired or not repaired. Probably worth contacting Laflex and see if they can help. Just don’t send it to PCW.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Newbury, Vermont

    Re: Help with Linhof multifocal optical viewfinder

    Not that I can condone this...but years ago I was given (for free!) a Leitz/Leica 35mm Summicron-M lens (the 8 element one!) - which had been returned from the Leica repair facility as being "unrepairable" due to a "frozen" focus mechanism. So...feeling I had nothing to lose at that point - I held the lens over my hot wood stove for a bit, and, little by little, the focus mechanism not only came back to life - but remained smooth as silk over the few years that I'd owned it!

    But again...not to say that you should try this! Probably best for you to either send it out (but to someone who will send it back after they fix it!) - or take it apart yourself, then clean (with alcohol or lighter fluid) and re-lube, with something like a moly-lube, used very sparingly.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: Help with Linhof multifocal optical viewfinder

    Quote Originally Posted by John Layton View Post
    Not that I can condone this...but years ago I was given (for free!) a Leitz/Leica 35mm Summicron-M lens (the 8 element one!) - which had been returned from the Leica repair facility as being "unrepairable" due to a "frozen" focus mechanism.
    In the 1980s, I had the same problem with a Leitz Wetzlar Super Angulon 21mm f/3.4. The focus was stiff at one point as you rotated it. I don't remember where I sent it, but it was sent back to me - same as yours I was told that it was "unrepairable". I carefully put it in a vice and slightly tightened the focusing ring at different "angles". At one "angle" the focus ring rotated feely. I figured that the lens was once dropped and the focusing ring distorted from being circular to just the slightest bit oval. I marked that "angle" and kept putting it back into the vice and very slightly tightening the vice in small increments, then removing the lens and checking the focus. After probably a dozen times doing this, the focus became smoother and smoother. After a few more times doing this, the focus finally returned to be absolutely smooth. I shot a Tech-Pan negative of a newspaper on the wall before and after. Both negatives were exquisitely sharp.

    I would try this again without thinking twice, but wouldn't advise anyone else to try this.

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