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Thread: DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Limoges, France

    DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)


    I started with a Fotoman 80mm helical, a 4X5 Horseman ground glass, and a Hugo Meyer coated 80mm f/6.8 (4E/4G).

    Prototyping : I chose maximum difficulty with the shape, a truncated pyramid. All main parts in 3mm thick H111 aluminium and thin parts in 2024T3 0,5mm thick.

    Let's begin with the easiest part, helical front plate and M2 threads

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Limoges, France

    Re: DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)

    Then the side parts

    Looks good

    Then all is hand adjusted with a file in order to form a perfect pyramid that goes inside the Horseman back.

    Let's build some corners

    Parts are treated with Alumiprep and Alodyne (chromic acid)

    And assembled with MS20470 rivets

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Limoges, France

    Re: DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)

    Front plate glued with structural epoxy in order to get the best alignment (checked on a marble and a micrometer)

    One piece front corner

    Some parts made for viewfinder support and tripod

    Wrinkle painted and assembled :

    Zeiss 28mm Finder and Contax III accessory shoe, Vivitar handle and the camera is finished

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Almelo, The Netherlands

    Re: DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)

    Well done! It really has that antique airplane look, especially with those rivets. Were you able to saw those first parts at an angle or did you sand them?
    I didn't know there were such large helicals, ideal solution to save a lot of fine adjustments. That is still easy to do with wood, but with aluminum it seems quite difficult / a lot of work.
    Perhaps it is still an idea to make the front plate on which the lens is mounted adjustable in height, then you may be able to do some rise/fall. Although that is of course more difficult to keep light-tight (perhaps with felt if you can miss the thickness) and the lens must have enough image circle.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Limoges, France

    Re: DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)

    All parts has been cut first with an electric saw, then with a hand saw and then the angles were made with files for the thickest parts. Other parts with thin aluminium sheets were cut with a shear. Very basic tools.

    Back in the days we were taught at school to make surfaces only with files and a piece of chalk with tolerances close to 0,02mm. Here assembly tolerances were +/-0,05mm so I have 0,1mm errors, except for the lens mount which has been precisely shimed.

    I went to the simplest way, because my 80mm (that I like very much) does not have a very large useable image circle. Approx. 170mm at f/22.

  6. #6
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)

    Well done!

    What lens is that?
    Tin Can

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    Limoges, France

    Re: DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)

    Hello this is a Hugo Meyer Aristotigmat Weitwinkel 80mm f/6.8 postwar coated 4 elements in 4 groups. It is a prewar formula that you would find on early linhof 9X12 cameras. It is good at f/16 best at f/22.

  8. #8
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)

    I use the same shutter with a 90mm f6.8 Wollensak

    In a 3D printed point and shoot, handheld 4X5

    with flashbulb very light weight

    Quote Originally Posted by Mael View Post
    Hello this is a Hugo Meyer Aristotigmat Weitwinkel 80mm f/6.8 postwar coated 4 elements in 4 groups. It is a prewar formula that you would find on early linhof 9X12 cameras. It is good at f/16 best at f/22.
    Tin Can

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)

    Nice !
    Just curious those are interesing clamps you're using, who makes them ?

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Seattle area, WA

    Re: DIY wide angle 4X5 camera I made at work (aircraft maintenance facility)

    What a great look this camera has. Dare I say "steampunk", but in a good way. Showing the construction details is much appreciated, even though I could probably never replicate the skill here.

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