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Thread: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

  1. #21
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

    RC prints spot just as easily using the ordinary Spot Tone or Marshall's dyes. No big deal there.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

    I don't sell my prints, but I much prefer the aesthetic look of air-dried glossy fiber paper over any RC surface.

  3. #23
    Drew Wiley
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    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

    xkaes - you've had orangepeel, probably routinely. Just put an angular light to it. I only need to ask one question to prove it - what's the specific substrate are you drymounting it on?

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

    I've never sold a fiber-based print, but then I've never tried to sell a fiber-based print. I've had much better luck selling color prints -- which were all resin coated -- over B&W. I've never had anyone ask me if my prints were fiber-based. And I've never had any complaints.

  5. #25
    uphereinmytree's Avatar
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    Re: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

    I see it as silver coated in plastic vs. silver layered on clay and cotton.

  6. #26
    Drew Wiley
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    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

    OK. That's starting to make sense. The general thread was about b&w RC. There are now no routine fiber-based color print options, though a limited amount of dye transfer printing is still going on, as well as hand-coated color prints on paper like carbon transfer. It has nothing to do with "complaints" you might get; that's all relative to the specific clientele. Mine would scream. Matte or satin RC color prints are going to betray orangepeel considerably less than glossy RC, even though it's there in those cases too. It just doesn't show much. Once you go true gloss, like with Fujiflex or former Cibachrome, any variation from total flatness is highly evident. With nearly truly flat substrates like Dibond or Ultraboard, or Gatorplast, heat mounting is not realistic at all. Everything other kind of mounting board has an irregular surface; and the heat of drymounting conforms RC papers to the uneven surface. That's been known in the picture framing trade for decades; and Seal made a point of warning about it themselves. But I'm glad it's working out for you. Always nice if you can use equipment already on hand. I can't imagine life without my big 500 Seal press, though I never use it for color prints.

  7. #27
    Pieter's Avatar
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    Jul 2018

    Re: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

    In the end, the difference in the cost of the paper should have little impact on a sale, unless you are selling a lot of really large prints dirt cheap. So go for the extra bucks and work and use fiber.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

    Not that I'm looking to buy any, but does anyone sell fiber-based mural paper (40-54" wide) nowadays?

    I'm not looking for any because a while back, a camera shop in another State was closing, and I was able to buy all their rolls of B&W and Color (mostly Color) mural paper for the cost of shipping. They are all thick glossy RC paper, and I could not pass it up -- even if they do "orangepeel".

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

    Quote Originally Posted by xkaes View Post
    does anyone sell fiber-based mural paper (40-54" wide)
    Yes - Foma, Ilford, Adox (did, probably will once they get their wide coater running). Mainly 42" rolls, though some 20" & 56" are offered. 30" (annoyingly) is only available on the panchromatic Harman digital papers, unless you want to custom order for a 4-figure sum.

  10. #30
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Is fiber paper worth the additional cost for selling prints compared to rc paper?

    It's the big color paper rolls hard to get now. That issue is specifically addressed under RA4 darkroom threads. Kodak suspended making it, planning to restart with a Chinese subcontractor, at what turned out to be the worse possible time with the pandemic and now a war affecting energy and petrochemical prices. That created panic buying of Fuji papers. Can't get even Fuji Super C rolls at the moment. Have had a big Fujiflex roll on backorder for six months now. Whenever ....

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