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Thread: Boston Large Format Analog Group Forming

  1. #1

    Boston Large Format Analog Group Forming

    A new large format group focused on analog photography is starting in Boston. It is welcome to anyone with a view camera interested in traditional or alternative analog photography. The group will hold free workshops, lectures, demonstrations and shoots in the Massachusetts Bay area. If you are interested in joining and contributing to the group email We already have some interesting potential speakers and workshops lined up.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Tucson, AZ

    Boston Large Format Analog Group Forming

    Put me on your mailing list... I would like to try to attend an ocassional event (as if I don't belong to enough groups already!!).


  3. #3

    Boston Large Format Analog Group Forming

    You folks should go wander by NESOP (The New England School of Photography). There's a small but very talented and passionate group of LF photographers that's built around Nick Johnson, one of the instructors there. He teaches the night/workshop zone system, advanced darkroom and "fine art portfolio" classes and is a really great guy.

  4. #4
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    Boston Large Format Analog Group Forming

    Dean, that looks expensive, is it?

  5. #5

    Boston Large Format Analog Group Forming

    It depends. I moved to SF a few years ago, but IIRC each night class was $400 or so. Not cheap, but you got all the darkroom access you could use after 5pm during the week and all day on the weekends for the 12 weeks of the course. It was a fantastic deal for me at the time because I had no darkroom of my own.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Smile Re: Boston Large Format Analog Group Forming

    I'd have to second Dean's reply. Nick Johnson's group at NESOP is really great...nice, dedicated people, good fun. I studied with him for years before relocating to upstate NY. Definately the "fine print aesthetic". To see what they're up to, check out:

    and of course, I'll mention my site

    CJ ("the other" Chris) Jordan

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 1998

    Re: Boston Large Format Analog Group Forming

    Quote Originally Posted by jordac
    I'd have to second Dean's reply. Nick Johnson's group at NESOP is really great...nice, dedicated people, good fun. I studied with him for years before relocating to upstate NY. Definately the "fine print aesthetic". To see what they're up to, check out:
    I too, trace my B&W lineage to Nick Johnson and NESOP. 5% theory and 95% practice. As I usually say, in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice. :-) This abstract of Nick's has always made me smile. Spooning, I call it. Apparently, he sculpts these blocks of stone the size of small coffee tables and then photographs them. Ron Cowie (who sometimes shows up on this forum, i think) teaches Platinum and other Alternative Processes at NESOP. All in all, as said above, a great bunch of folks from whom I've learnt quite a bit.

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