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Thread: Coming in from Oz

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Coming in from Oz

    Michael, I don't think they do true drum scanning, but try Image Science in Melbourne. They do seem to understand digital printing far better than I do. Try and see whether that fits the bill, or they may know of the right person to do the job.

    In terms of Cibachrome theres a place in Adelaide named Chroma Colour ( I've never used them but intend to if I ever shoot any worthwhile Velvia.

    Peter- I'm interested in the local guy building cameras. Hmmmm. Too tempting.


  2. #12
    come to the dark s(l)ide..... Carsten Wolff's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Australia, Spain, United Arab Emirates

    Re: Coming in from Oz

    Quote Originally Posted by VuiChong
    Hi guys,
    It is good to see other OZ LF here. Just moved in to Coffs Harbour from UK and enjoying photography here at the Coffs Coast. Could someone tell me where do you get your 4x5 trannies printed onto cibachrome in NSW or other states. Michael, you are not too far from me, maybe we could meet up one of this day.

    Have a good day.


    best lab i know off is in Adelaide:

    Carsten, Townsville

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Coming in from Oz

    They're coming out of the woodwork now. Give them a nice blue background and suddenly everyone's happy to stop lurking!


  4. #14
    Michael Hewson
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Ferny Grove, Brisbane, Australia

    Re: Coming in from Oz

    Hi Chong - try - Ken Duncan's company at Erina (North of Sydney).

    Sure call 07 3851 0637

    Michael Hewson

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Coming in from Oz

    Hi Peter,
    I'm another Melbournian, out east in Donvale. I've been shooting 4x5 but have just had to tear down the darkroom to allow for a new extension to be built, so it will be six months before I can print again. Hopefully I will still be able to develop and scan, but at the moment the Jobo is in storage too.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Coming in from Oz


    I'm Jeremy, I run Image Science ( and we do scanning on an Imacon Flextight 949. It's a pretty serious machine and you should give it a try to see it if suits your needs. I'm an LF shooter myself (there's more than you think down here), and I teach the Digital Fine Print course at RMIT so I (am supposed to) have a rough idea what I'm doing with all this.

    We also do output - a lot of printing for LF shooters - on things like Hahnemuehle Photo Rag, the new Crane Silver Rag etc. Not the same as cibachrome at all, of course, but interesting options. Check out the website or give me a call on (03) 9348 9808 and I can take you through what we do. Or if you just want to chat about Large Format (I use an Ebony RW45, and a mix of Schneider SSXLs and A couple of longer Fujis).

    (CFL use (I'm told) an older Imacon and charge like a sin, also they very often return clipped scans etc (I've re-scanned a lot of their work for people). I guess it comes down to the operator you get on the day. Other people seem very happy with them, if much poorer).


  7. #17

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Fremantle, Western Australia

    Re: Coming in from Oz

    I'll vouch for Jeremy's work in scanning - you will not fault the work he does. He may charge low rates, but that certainly DOES NOT mean the work is low rate - his scans are the best I've had done. If you like being "pleasantly surprised", send him a tranny.


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy_D

    I'm Jeremy, I run Image Science ( and we do scanning on an Imacon Flextight 949. It's a pretty serious machine and you should give it a try to see it if suits your needs. I'm an LF shooter myself (there's more than you think down here), and I teach the Digital Fine Print course at RMIT so I (am supposed to) have a rough idea what I'm doing with all this.

    We also do output - a lot of printing for LF shooters - on things like Hahnemuehle Photo Rag, the new Crane Silver Rag etc. Not the same as cibachrome at all, of course, but interesting options. Check out the website or give me a call on (03) 9348 9808 and I can take you through what we do. Or if you just want to chat about Large Format (I use an Ebony RW45, and a mix of Schneider SSXLs and A couple of longer Fujis).

    (CFL use (I'm told) an older Imacon and charge like a sin, also they very often return clipped scans etc (I've re-scanned a lot of their work for people). I guess it comes down to the operator you get on the day. Other people seem very happy with them, if much poorer).


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