Graflex Crown Graphic Rodenstock imagon 200
Harman DPP
Ilford multigrade 1+9 1min30seg 23º C
Stop with water
Kodak Tmax fixer 3min
Enviado desde mi ANE-LX1 mediante Tapatalk
I'm a long-time thread reader and a first-time poster, I think.
(Hello from the top of Michigan -- the mouth of the Montreal river, in this case.)
I shot these with a 4x5 Speed Graphic with a 135mm Wollensak Raptar lens, 1/2 a second at f8 on a slightly overcast day; developed as soon as I could hike home in ilford multigrade 1+9 (not the freshest).
I usually get more predictable results but have been having lots of latent image regression with my last two outings. I'd be grateful for any tips or theories.
Graflex Crown Graphic and Schneider symmar s 150 f5.6
HDPP no preflash
Multigrade 1+9 2 min
Epson V800
Toplecca di Sopra - Pontremoli (MS) - Italy
A series of pictures and portraits taken during our micro large format photography annual festival. 12 July 2021
- Camera: LUPO Aldina II 13x18
- Lens: SCHNEIDER Tele Xenar 270 1:5.6 - shutter and aperture broken
- Film: HARMAN FB Direct Positive Paper - 3 ASA - size 5x7" - expired several years ago
- Exposure:
- Developer: ILFORD PQ UNIVERSAL 1+9 - 5 minutes at 20° C
- Lightmeter: Gossen Lunasix 3 reading the incident light
- Lighting: Ambient light only
- Scanner: EPSON V700 and EPSON Scan 3.81
- Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6
Tiny Dragón
Baby Dragon Rage by TIN CAN COLLEGE, on Flickr
Tin Can