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Thread: Where can I buy a Horseman 617 setup ??

  1. #1
    jesskramer jesskramer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Northern California

    Where can I buy a Horseman 617 setup ??

    Anyone know who is listing the new Horseman 617 setup for sale ??

    for example B&H is a Horseman dealer, but the 617 is not yet listed on their website

    thanks, Jesse

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Where can I buy a Horseman 617 setup ??

  3. #3

    Where can I buy a Horseman 617 setup ??


    Just out of curiosity, what kind of work do you do? Would this be your first panoramic? Why not a 617 back on a view camera body for sake of increased perspective control? Or do you just need the portability and ease of use for the kind of shooting you do (perhaps without need for swing/tilt)?

    I am trying to decide between the above two options, but as a view camera shooter I'd hate to give up all the perspective control even for the user-friendliness of your Horseman.


  4. #4
    jesskramer jesskramer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Northern California

    Where can I buy a Horseman 617 setup ??


    I have a Fuji GX617 kit with 105mm, 180mm, and 300mm lenses

    I am also leaning towards a 5x7 view camera with a 617 back

    At this point I am just looking at prices... the Horseman setup is VERY expensive

    I am seriously considering the Walker 5x7 XL and a Canham Back

    I wonder if the Horseman back could be adapted for view camera use by a skilled machinist like the Steven Grimes shop...


  5. #5

    Where can I buy a Horseman 617 setup ??


    I would be willing to bet that a Grimes modification would be no big deal but maybe a little more pricey than some machinests would charge. Put the question on the Forum and you'll probably get lots of good input.

    Curious as to why the Horseman camera and the Walker/Canham back seem, more or less, interchangeable to you. Have you found that you desire more perspective control? I mean, the two set-ups have in common only that they each produce 617 negatives and would seem to be two separate animals.

    Would be curious to learn.


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