Apple Snail Shell, setup:
Apple Snail Shell, setup:
Now that’s a bellows!
Oh, and a 30 minute exposure? No big deal. Besides you could go grill dinner while waiting.
--- Steve from Missouri ---
Yeah I've never actually pushed it out to its limit. 800mm total length I think, without any kind of lens extension. I might try something with my 240mm tonight which'll be even higher mag.
It has been awhile, but I came across a photo my friend Glenn Crosby took of me after I had made my exposures. Thanks, Glenn!
Wawona Tunnel, Yosemite National Park, March 3, 2003
8x10 Pt/pd Print
Early morning hours -- I obviously could see if a car was coming from in front -- and I could hear the tires on the road for several minutes before a vehicle showed up behind me. I believe I had to get the camera off the road three times before I had enough time to make the image.
Tri-X at 200ASA, Zone VI 8x10, 19" RD Artar (in barrel), f32 at 1.5 minutes. My Pentax meter read 2 to 5 for the most part and 14 on the at 4 (plus another stop+ for reciprocity failure), developed in Rollo Pyro 20:40:1000, 70F 10 minutes.
For some reason I decided to rephotograph the same scene 8 months later, same camera/lens, but FP4+ and Ilford Universal PQ Developer. Probably bored in the evening and curious about comparing the difference. Negs are okay. Image is a little boring in comparison without the water on the road and dark moisture on the walls. I raised the camera slightly, putting the end of the tunnel lower in the image (dry road was not as interesting). I got lucky the first time.
Last edited by Vaughn; 6-Apr-2020 at 09:47.
"Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China
The perfect camera for the times - Korona View 4x5, 7” Zeiss Tessar @ 5.6, Delta 100, Pyrocat HD, scan of negative.
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Not sure it fits, but I made a 2-minute films of some photograph I took in the past months.
Video link:
VIdeo link:
My Youtube Channel - Darkroom and large format tutorials