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Thread: Voigtlander Bergheil restoration.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Bilbao, Spain

    Voigtlander Bergheil restoration.

    Hi all,

    I found this in the local market, it was a GAS decision but it went well at the end.
    Early/middle model of Bergheil cameras, it has already the frame viewfinder at the middle (not in a corner) but it has not yet the shift knob next to the raise/fall knob and the lens is fixed with usual retaining ring and not with the quick release system of the late models.
    Still it has a 15cm f/4.5 Heliar, lens is fine but shutter is broken and it's the next to fix.

    Known problems:
    Light traps not complete.
    Dry and discoloured leather.
    Spring lost + broken handle of the front door (right side).
    Poor movement in rails/shutter holders.
    Opening mechanism sticky.
    Close tab for ground glass/plate holders hard to move.
    I presume the camera was kept in a very wet environment.

    All of them sorted out so far.

    Thanks to Dan Unfeker for the mohair!

    Here complete how-to:

    Next chapter the shutter.

    Thank you for watching.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Voigtlander Bergheil restoration.



    I presume the camera was kept in a very wet environment.



    Perhaps it got very wet in the period 1943/45 and in the journey from Berlin to Moscow in the new owner's kitbag!
    Anyway, a camera well worth the effort!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Bilbao, Spain

    Re: Voigtlander Bergheil restoration.

    At first seller had no idea, now after enquiring him again he got confirmation from an aunt the camera was brought to Moscow by sellers grandfather after WWII.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Bilbao, Spain

    Re: Voigtlander Bergheil restoration.

    Hi all,

    Shutter fixed!
    I got the chance for testing the camera today, two shots full body portrait and a closer one.
    I used different cut film holder, Voigtlander and Leningrad (basically a copy from a Zeiss Ikon 665/7) with film sheath and a Kodak 9x12 with the film holder already in it (it fits perfectly). Lens is Heliar 15cm f/4.5.
    All went well, photos are in the previous link.

    Thank you for watching,
    Last edited by alexvaras; 9-Apr-2019 at 12:41. Reason: Removing photo sharing.


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