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Thread: If Only Four Books....

  1. #31

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    If Only Four Books....

    Mark, it must have been the Dektol fumes. Maybe I was thinking in metric.
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  2. #32

    If Only Four Books....

    Mark Sawyer's excellent point raises the flip side of Kirk Gittings's question: if you could throw four photography books into a nearby fire, which four would you chuck? Not trying to hijack the thread.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    If Only Four Books....

    I have a fairly modest collection of photo books, though it does include a sampling of the usual suspects (Ansel, Weston, HC-B, etc). But I never think of them in terms of which ones are LF and which ones aren't.

    These are the ones I'd grab:

    David Vestal, The Art of Black and White Enlarging
    William Clift, A Hudson Landscape
    Rachel Giese, The Donegal Pictures and Sweeney's Flight

  4. #34

    If Only Four Books....

    1. Monsters and madonas / William Mortensen
    2. BTZS / Davis
    3. Dune / Edward and Brett Weston
    4. Mortensen on the negative / William Mortensen.
    You only said four, so Ansel just wasn't up to the cut.

  5. #35
    Abuser of God's Sunlight
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    brooklyn, nyc

    If Only Four Books....

    "if you could throw four photography books into a nearby fire ..."

    the family of man, edited by steichen

    any of the dozens of interchangeable stock books and commercial photography workbooks that clutter up cubicles at ad agencies.

    i have some others in mind, but i'd rather not name any living photographers. it's not nice. and it's hard to choose.

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    If Only Four Books....

    This is a tough choice!

    1] Modern Architecture, Photographs by Ezra Stoller. (I think out of print, and an incredible selection of architectural photographs taken back in the golden days of black and white.)

    2] Portfolios of Ansel Adams. (First to inspire me towards large format.)

    3] Edward Weston, His Life and Photographs. (Finest of all B&W photographers.)

    4] Pistils, Robert Mapplethorpe. (I like his flower photographs.)

    5] Notebook containing list of titles, publishers, authors and images showing proof of ownership of all other books!

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Jul 1998
    Lund, Sweden

    If Only Four Books....

    Paul: I hummed and hawed over stealing the library copy so long that someone else beat me to it. I think there is a modern edition of Rum Doodle, but like most parodies it doesn't really bear repeated reading. "Has been High" is a standard mark of approval in our family.

    I can't bring myself to burn books deliberately, but I wouldn't be too sad if a tragic accident engulfed all copies of Susan Sontag's "On Photography".

  8. #38

    If Only Four Books....

    From a library of about 200 titles, all but a few both LF and b/w:

    1) Ansel Adams, Yosemite and the High Sierra
    2) Brett Weston, Voyage of the Eye
    3) Eliot Porter, In Wildness Is the Preservation of the World,
    4) Alfred Stieglitz, Georgia O'Keefe A Portrait

  9. #39

    Join Date
    May 2001

    If Only Four Books....

    Another vote for Strand's "Time In New England"

    "Intimations of Paradise" Christopher Burkett

    "The Hungry Eye" (Walker Evans photographs)

    "The American Wilderness" - Ansel Adams

    (At least these four are the ones I'd choose at this very moment. Ask me 20 minutes later, and I'll

    have a different list....but I guarantee "Time In New England" would be on it....)

  10. #40
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Coquitlam, BC, Canada, eh!

    If Only Four Books....

    "Examples: The Making of 40 Photographs" by Ansel Adams,
    "The Camera, The Negative, The Print" 3 book series by AA,

    shoot! that's 4 books already!

    Okay, forget "The Making of 40 Photographs"....I'll grab "The History of Photography" by Newhall.
    ...or should I grab Bruce Barnbaum's book...hmmm

    Tough choice. I think I would just end up burning with all me books.

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