Hey LFers,

I want to thank everyone who responded to my quandry. I have decided to hold off on any new lenses until I sell several that I currently have.

You folks replies forced me to give much thought to the question. I find that I had lost sight of the fact that I just do not like "normal" lenses. I am not sure why, perhaps it's modeling. In the past I have always shot with the longest lenses possible, using shorter lenses only when forced to. Recalling my many years of using a Mamiya C330 6x6cm, I had rejected the "standard" 80mm in favor of a 105mm. I did all my portraits with the 180mm and used a 55mm just a few times.

For those who criticised my selections as too close, I have a Mamiya RZ67 with 110, 140, 150 and 180mm. The 110 came with the camera and the 140 and 180 are special use but still, the spacing is too close, I need to get rid of the 150.

Thanks again.