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Thread: SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

  1. #1
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

    Not on market yet, but soon.

    Look at the spectrum in the datasheets.

    97 cri 5000K

  2. #2
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

    Interesting. Let's see if anyone actually markets it. Several companies have cried Wolf before.

  3. #3
    Gary Beasley's Avatar
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    Re: SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

    Ive been putting 5000k leds in my home as quick as they were available. I started in my workshop replacing all the t-12 fluorescents with hyperikon led tubes. Screw in 5000k bulbs are making it to the shelves now and I notice the output looks brighter for the same lumen value compared to the soft white type.
    These new lights should be even better if they become the new standard. They should be great for grow lights as well.

  4. #4
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

    Those things you're describing, Gary, aren't even remotely the same thing. They're tweaked blue light and terribly hard on the eyes. I can't even be in the same room. Compare the two spectrums on that link. But nothing like this is likely to hit mass retailers. Think maybe fifty bucks a bulb - true architectural lighting.

  5. #5
    Gary Beasley's Avatar
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    Re: SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

    That price is high, but it was pretty high on the first equivalent led tubes too. It will come down, just have to hope it will be soon. Im thinking these would be perfect for the inspection booths in the print industry, full spectrum light is necessary for accurate color evaluation.

  6. #6
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

    Maybe, maybe not for awhile. They might not even be interested in the consumer market. Gotta recoup R&D expenses before licensing the patent to some outfit that could ruin their reputation in a fortnight due to lack of quality control or misleading labeling - which seems to be the mantra of chain stores. Or this could just be a trial balloon to attract investors, who could make it either sink or swim. I hope it swims!

  7. #7
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

    Gary, I been using 98CRI 5000k tubes for the last 30 years. The came from Germany and cost a bundle, but have also been exceptionally reliable. Not one has burned out yet (old hold-down starters, not quickie ballasts). I installed them not only in critical applications in my lab, but at color matching stations at my ole workplace.

  8. #8
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

    I installed a dozen of these 35 years ago in my last wife's painting studio. She wanted to paint at night in daylight. I sprayed the entire space in matte eggshell white. I also worked at night.

    On a snowy night, the windows glowed like a spaceship.

    She painted Rembrandt style using traditional methods. Modern sitters.

    RIP Marnie.

  9. #9
    Resident Heretic Bruce Watson's Avatar
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    Re: SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Moe View Post
    This is what I've been waiting for from Cree. But they have not quite delivered. Better than fluorescents, better quality of light at more or less half the power. And no mercury. What's not to like?

    Bruce Watson

  10. #10
    jp's Avatar
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    Re: SunLike LED inside the home, studio, streetlights...

    That would be nice!

    It's a cheap form of electronics gadgetry, but I love lights and try any new kinds that come to the hardware stores, shop amazon for them, etc...

    I think for most purposes, well chosen LED light is good enough to start installing rather than previous FL or LED alternatives or holding off. Costs will come down some, but probably reliability as well.

    Right now, I'm using 90+ CRI led hyperikon tubes for my retail area.
    Better than fluorescent, better than most screw in bulbs. Photos shot with cell phone look great, as that seems to be the type of camera most finicky about poor CRI lighting and least able to compensate with awb. The transition from North window natural light to LED light is very smooth and doesn't make for bad photos.

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