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Thread: What camera to bring?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2006

    What camera to bring?

    We are planning to spend 10 days in Lisbon, Madrid, Seville and Barcelona soon. I am debating what camera I should bring.

    Choices are:

    1. 5x7 with a tripod, great for street and building, but too slow for people shooting
    2. a Graflex super d 4x5 with a monopod. I did this in Tibet, great for people shooting, but not great for buildings.
    3. a rangefinder 45 Saber with a monopod, similar to #2, but lighter.

    Are tripods allowed on street or inside churches in Spain?


  2. #2 tgtaylor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: What camera to bring?

    If it were me, I'd bring my Pentax 645NII with 55-85 zoom lens and Gitzo G0540 tripod. If I had access to an automobile, I'd include the Toyo 45cf w/ 90, 150, and 300mm lens. The cf works with the same tripod and a lLowepro 450 AW runner will carry it all - including on the airplane.


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: What camera to bring?

    I'd take the Saber. I have a Saber and A couple SuperDs also but the Saber is just so much more portable, and decent for people shots in a pinch too.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2010
    St. Louis, Mo.

    Re: What camera to bring?

    What Hugo, you're not taking the 16x20?

    I'd take something that you can hand hold if you need to. A friend of mine moved to Spain recently. He even ran with the bulls. Bullfighting in arenas is popular there too. I doubt you could use a tripod for those things.

    Oh and then there are the topless beaches. Better not take a camera there though!

  5. #5
    Angus Parker angusparker's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    San Francisco, USA

    What camera to bring?

    I don’t think I’d use a 4x5 on people in Spain, unless you are unusually charming! Generally people are on the move going places or with family. MF may be portable but there are a lot of tall buildings, churches primarily, that would benefit from movements and some wide lenses since there isn’t always much space to shoot from. Don’t think a tripod would be allowed in the big cathedrals etc, you might get away with it in a smaller local church.

    The sheer numbers of tourists especially in Barcelona (year round), Seville (in summer) and not so much in Madrid can make getting a clean building shot pretty hard, or any shot to be honest in LF. I’ve never used LF in Lisbon but having traveled there I can say there are quite a few good places to visit that would work with LF.

    In general, you are better off off-season in the winter or spring. You film will also thank you for not being cooked at 110F in summer.

    If you want to borrow a 45F1 with accompanying lenses and tripod in Madrid/Spain let me know. Just bring film. We could also go out shooting together if your schedule permits.

  6. #6 tgtaylor's Avatar
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    Re: What camera to bring?

    Quote Originally Posted by tgtaylor View Post
    If it were me, I'd bring my Pentax 645NII with 55-85 zoom lens and Gitzo G0540 tripod. If I had access to an automobile, I'd include the Toyo 45cf w/ 90, 150, and 300mm lens. The cf works with the same tripod and a lLowepro 450 AW runner will carry it all - including on the airplane.

    Correction: It's the 45-85mm AF zoom lens and not the 55-85mm. The lens is a little weighty at 815 grams but the ergonomics of the 645NII compensates. 55-85mm (35-67mm in 35mm) make it perfect for general and street photography. If I were going to concentrate of fast street photography I'd bring my F6 with 35 - 70mm AF Nikkor 2.8D (675 grams). Arca style QR plates make it a snap to switch to tripod shooting when desirable and having both portrait and landscape plates on the Pentax is the way to go.


  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: What camera to bring?


    Are you in Spain right now? We are planning to go Madrid in 10-12 days and I will keep in touch with you via email. Only two days in Madrid so not too much time shooting. Maybe we can have a drink?


    Yes I am leaning to Saber with a monopod. Graflex Super-D is too heavy.


    I don't have a Pentax and have not touched my Hasselblad for years.


  8. #8
    Andrej Gregov
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Seattle, WA

    Re: What camera to bring?

    If you have specific architecture/scenes you want to shoot (as in have a shot list sort of thing), then 5x7 would be great. But if you're just touring around, definitely the Saber. Lugging a tripod plus full LF kit/backpack on public transport etc, is a real drag unless you'll have your own rental car. Also, often as soon as a tripod goes up, so come the security guard types or curious onlookers. Keeping things simple and light is the way to go unless you're on a specific project mission. Have a great trip.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: What camera to bring?

    Based on the Tibet results, I vote for the Graflex.
    5x7 is my favorite format, but I wouldn't take that.
    Thanks, but I'd rather just watch:
    Large format:
    Mostly 35mm:
    You want digital, color, etc?:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: What camera to bring?


    Quote Originally Posted by mdarnton View Post
    Based on the Tibet results, I vote for the Graflex.
    5x7 is my favorite format, but I wouldn't take that.

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