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Thread: Objectification of human subjects

  1. #61

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: Objectification of human subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by consummate_fritterer View Post
    What's the definition of sexual "morality"?
    Morality covers a much wider playing field than just sexuality, so should immorality ---a lacking of Virtue. Dishonesty. Unethical. Indecent.
    Dishonest and unethical especially fit well with this
    " misleading viewers into accepting an expectation of Virtual Photoshopped Reality of sex"
    The Virtue of Prudence, which is seeing things the way they are in order to act appropriately also fits well.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  2. #62
    Tim Sandstrom
    Join Date
    May 2006
    San Jose, CA

    Re: Objectification of human subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by consummate_fritterer View Post
    What's the definition of sexual "morality"?
    I imagine this is a rhetorical suggestion that there are no absolutes, that people can disagree about it...
    Sure, some situations are morally ambiguous... 10 people in a 8 person boat that'll sink, who goes over the side?

    But, a "definition" is -by it's nature- limited and hard to apply. It's why laws require courts and juries.

    And if you're trying to suggest there are no "morals", or that we cannot agree upon them,
    I think that is incorrect, and I doubt I would be alone. Try: "Be decent to one another,"
    and then see how a given behavior in question stands up to that simple "standard."

  3. #63

    Re: Objectification of human subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by dasBlute View Post
    I imagine this is a rhetorical suggestion that there are no absolutes, that people can disagree about it...
    Sure, some situations are morally ambiguous... 10 people in a 8 person boat that'll sink, who goes over the side?

    But, a "definition" is -by it's nature- limited and hard to apply. It's why laws require courts and juries.

    And if you're trying to suggest there are no "morals", or that we cannot agree upon them,
    I think that is incorrect, and I doubt I would be alone. Try: "Be decent to one another,"
    and then see how a given behavior in question stands up to that simple "standard."
    I believe the US Supreme Court once stated in regards to pornography, "They'll know it when they see it", or other verbiage to that effect. It's in the eyes, hearts and minds of the beholder.

  4. #64

    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Minnesota and Massachusetts, USA

    Re: Objectification of human subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by consummate_fritterer View Post
    I believe the US Supreme Court once stated in regards to pornography, "They'll know it when they see it", or other verbiage to that effect. It's in the eyes, hearts and minds of the beholder.
    It was a Supreme Court justice and he said "I know it when I see it.".

  5. #65

    Re: Objectification of human subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by HMG View Post
    It was a Supreme Court justice and he said "I know it when I see it.".
    I'm sure that's correct. The point is, only we as individuals can make that determination. However, there's a point at which most of us can it agree that it crosses over to abuse. However, there are laws in place that set those points fairly clearly. It's just this side of breaking law that we often disagree with each other. Some believe showing bare ankles is immoral. Pardon me folks, while I completely cover my face. I wouldn't want to get the ladies too excited by 'exposing' my very manly scruffy beard.

  6. #66

    Join Date
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    New York

    Re: Objectification of human subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by HMG View Post
    It was a Supreme Court justice and he said "I know it when I see it.".

    Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, 1964
    I know just enough to be dangerous !

  7. #67

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    West Coast

    Re: Objectification of human subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by consummate_fritterer View Post
    I wouldn't want to get the ladies too excited by 'exposing' my very manly scruffy beard.
    What about the gents that would get excited by such things?! Do they need protection too? ;-)

  8. #68

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: Objectification of human subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by consummate_fritterer View Post
    I'm sure that's correct. The point is, only we as individuals can make that determination. However, there's a point at which most of us can it agree that it crosses over to abuse. However, there are laws in place that set those points fairly clearly. It's just this side of breaking law that we often disagree with each other. Some believe showing bare ankles is immoral. Pardon me folks, while I completely cover my face. I wouldn't want to get the ladies too excited by 'exposing' my very manly scruffy beard.
    Intent, lad. It's intent that needs consideration here.
    Look at the ads for the more raunchy strip clubs. What is their intention? What is their promise?
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  9. #69

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    New Jersey

    Re: Objectification of human subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by John Kasaian View Post
    Specific to the OP, how do nude images of women effect women and the way men treat women?
    This is the crux of the issue, not philosophical discussions of morality or obscenity. As photographers, the issue reduces to whether the images we post impact the way men treat women in the general society.

  10. #70

    Re: Objectification of human subjects

    Quote Originally Posted by paulbarden View Post
    What about the gents that would get excited by such things?! Do they need protection too? ;-)
    It depends on what offends them. They can overt their eyes if I 'flash' my very sexy beard.

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