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Thread: Faces of demonstrators caught on film

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Faces of demonstrators caught on film

    Just curious---I've been invited to a demonstration where people on both sides will be very, very emotionally charged.

    I'm not a demonstrator kind of guy despite my 60's and 70's upbringing, but this particular demonstration would be fertile ground for street photography of...well...emotionally charged people. I'd like to attend to document the emotions of the demonstrators and counter demonstrators (in spite of once getting caught, quite by accident, between the S.F. Tac Squad carrying big sticks and an emotional Free Tibet contingent in front of the St. Francis Hotel, where some chinese diplomat was staying back in '85) but the issue I have is---what can I do with the photographs(OK the photographs I haven't taken yet, but hope to?)

    Can they be published in magazine or book form or could they be exhibited? Without model releases? I can't very well ask for model releases when the fur starts flying. This would be for editorial or documentary purposes, not to advertise tear gas, big sticks or anything like that.

    I don't want to risk another broken schozzola for nothing.

    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  2. #2

    Faces of demonstrators caught on film

    John, if you plan to sell the photos to a newspaper or magazine, then that's considered editorial use and you do not need a model release.

    But if you wan to publish a book or exhibit them, you should get a model release to be on the safe side. You never know when one of the demonstrators might walk into a gallery and see his snarling face in a photo available for sale -- and hope to get a piece of the action.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Harbor City, California

    Faces of demonstrators caught on film

    I'm not a lawyer, but I believe the general rule is that if it's news, there is no right to privacy - no need for releases.

    Many years ago, I attended a very strange Fourth of July celebration on the Mall at Washington D.C.. It's the only one I have been to where the smell of tear gas was noticeable. There was a big tower which had loudspeakers, I think, but also two men of FBI appearance who had an interesting camera, a Hulcher with a very long lens. (A Hulcher is a big long-roll motordrive camera, in this case a 70mm which took something like 2 1/4" X 5" images.) Whenever there was any suggestion of disturbance, the Hulcher would spin around and point. The idea must have been to make very identifiable photos.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    God's Country

    Faces of demonstrators caught on film


    Can't help you with the publication and model release end of things but I do have a word of advice... if those big bruiser police types dressed in full riot gear start to tap their batons against their shields, haul your butt out of there asap! Analogy: a rattlesnake shaking their tails is definitely sending a signal!

    A few years ago at a political event... I watched such a squad in action. They meant business and they knew how to disperse a crowd!

    Be safe!

    Life in the fast lane!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Faces of demonstrators caught on film

    John, Just curious what camera you are planning to take with you.

  6. #6

    Faces of demonstrators caught on film

    Make your own press pass and wear it around your neck. Have a camera bag hanging off your shoulder. Make sure you have insurance. Then start your own blog (news) and sell pic's thru it.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 1999
    Berkeley, CA

    Faces of demonstrators caught on film

    John, This might be a photographer's urban legend, but I have always been under the impression that no right to privacy can be expected in public places. That said, it occurs to me that the notion of "public places" is a bit murky. Clearly covered would be city streets, but what about sports arenas or grocery stores? In your specific case you should be ok publishing your shots as news. But later on a gallery wall I don't know. Any attorneys out there well versed in this area of the law? njb

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Faces of demonstrators caught on film

    But if you wan to publish a book or exhibit them, you should get a model release to be on the safe side.

    Horse-Pucky. It's a public space, and an especially public event, a display of voluntary angst. You can exhibit and sell the pictures.

    Make your own press pass and wear it around your neck.

    All that does is further discredit people who are the press, and diminish anyone's opinion of Yet Another Fake, a poseur. Be a straight citizen, stand on your own two feet as who you are. You have as much a right to be there as any member of the public.

    Ask me how I know. I'd be happy to show you.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Faces of demonstrators caught on film

    Wear dark clothes that fit smoothly and prevent people from grabbing you. And heavy stomping boots because a swift kick can accomplish a lot. Keep the camera on a short strap. Look professional and stay away from trouble and I bet the baddies leave you alone.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Faces of demonstrators caught on film

    Thanks for all the responses. Theres a lot to think about.

    Henry C. : Yeah tapping those night sticks against thier shields----thats what the TAC squad was doing alright. I made an end-run through a TV camera crew shortly afterward. A very surrealistic experience I still remember quite well. Funny thing, just 15 minutes before I had a long friendly talk with one of the mounties about his horse.

    Ron Marshall: Either the Crown Graphic or Nikon F2 (The F2 with a 105mm on board being a great field expedient weapon, BTW)

    Nacio Jan Brown: Thats something I find confusing. A participant in a lawful permitted public demonstration would seem to me to be participating with full knowlege that his/her presence is "news" and intends to be documented and published (hey, demonstrations are supposed to call attention to an issue, right?) OTOH, unpermitted spontaineous counter demonstrators have no such intent, do they?

    About the Hulcher Camera--- I had the pleasure of attending a Calif. State Attorney General sponsored class on Neo Nazi Hate groups and got to see the results of a Hulcher that recorded a really bizarre "garden party" attended by meth dealing nazi bikers and very conservatively dressed fascist organizers. WOW, that was really wierd. "Leaders" of various white supreme-iscst groups from as far away as Idaho were identified by the Hulcher's apparently candid photographs. The onnly drawback to the class is security was rather tight and we had to wear our credentials which read something like "White Suprency & Neo Nazi Youth Hate Group Course" out to lunch in an inner city area surrounding the convention center were the class was being held. Life is full of adventure, thats for sure!

    Wayne Crider: I think I can wrangle press credentials from a small specialty publication if I grease the right desk with "Krispy Kremes." Good suggestion!

    Lots to think about! Thank you all!
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

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