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Thread: Posting pix.

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Posting pix.

    I'd use Picasa. It's free and provides a link for posting in the size you choose.

  2. #12
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Rio Rancho, NM

    Re: Posting pix.

    Quote Originally Posted by cosmicexplosion View Post
    ok so what about if the image does not come from flicker or photobucket. i just had a nude cancelled because it was nude... that then rips it out of the forum.

    so whats needed are insrtuctions on how to load up to the forum from your computer hard drive.

    i have troubles as i am not sure how big the image is supposed to be, and then the image never uploads.

    or it is too small and is only a thumb nail of a thumb nail.
    A. External Hosts - Yes, many of the "free" hosting sites do not allow nudes of any kind. Some don't even allow images to be posted/linked ("external references" in webspeak) on outside forums such as this one. You have to review their "terms of service" in this regard.

    Externally hosted images, as has been mentioned, do not use our server space or bandwidth, so there is no limitation on image size or file size. Another option for externally-hosted images is to establish your own domain through GoDaddy or myriad other services, and host images there. Then, it's a simple matter of using the image icon in the "advanced" editor to insert the full URL of the image.

    B. Uploading to this server - Images uploaded to our server are limited to 750x750 pixels for .jpeg or .jpg files, and 250000 bytes, largely due to the fact that we operate on server space and bandwidth donated to us by a benefactor.

    Uploading images to this server can be done in several ways, including the albums feature of your profile, the attachments feature in your settings, or via the "advanced" editor used to create a specific post.

    For the latter, scroll down from the edit window and click on the "Manage Attachments" button. There, you'll have the option of dragging/dropping images from one of your existing albums, or uploading a new image from your computer.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern Virginia

    Re: Posting pix.

    For posting pictures:

    There are three methods to post pictures.
    1. Upload and store the picture on the forum, when creating the message that will display it.
    2. Store the picture on your own site or server, reaching by IP address, and then link to it.
    3. Store the picture on a third-party picture storage site, such as Flickr and Photobucket, and then link to it. (We do not provide instructions for this method because each hosting service is unique and they are all different. The stuff related to this forum is provided in Method 2.)

    Instructions follow:

    Method 1. Uploading and Storing the Picture on the Forum.

    a. Create and store the picture as a "JPG" or "JPEG" file on your computer, to be no larger than 250K. The forum will resize the longer dimension of the picture to 750 pixels if it is larger, so if you size it that way to begin with, you won't suffer resizing errors that the forum software sometimes causes. BMP, GIF, and PNG files are also accepted, but limited to 150K and must fit within a 650-pixel box to avoid resizing. JPEG is preferred.

    b. Then, when creating a post, click the picture icon on the icon bar right above the text entry box, which will read "Insert Image" when you mouse over it. That will bring up a Insert Image dialog box that will have two tabs. Click the tab that says "From Computer". Then, click the "Select Files" button at the bottom of that dialog box. That will bring up your operating system's typical file selection dialog. Navigate to the image file you created in Step A above. Click "Open". That will add the file to the file list in the Insert Image dialog box.

    c. You may click "Select Files" again to select another image. You may upload as many as four images in any one post.

    d. When you have finished selecting images, then click "Upload File(s)". You may also "Clear List" and start over.

    e. Add whatever additional text you want to your message, and click "Submit".

    The images will be stored on the Large Format Photography Forum server. A thumbnail that fits in a 150-pixel box will be displayed in an image attachments box, and forum readers can click on the thumbnail to open a picture viewer window.

    Method 2. Store the Picture on Your Own Site or Server.

    If you have server space or your own website, and your picture can be reached from the general internet, then you won't be subject to as many restrictions as when storing the picture on the forum.

    a. Create and store the picture as a "JPG" or "JPEG" file. There are no size limitations, but please respect others, and size pictures not to exceed normal viewing screens. And by more normal viewing screens, we don't mean your 1920x1280 wide-screen, but rather my 1280x900 laptop display. Fitting within an 800-pixel box is a useful maximum size.

    b. Following the instructions provided by your web hosting service for your site or server space, upload the picture there. It must be stored in a place that allows a direct link to the actual jpg file, which should look like: "http://YourServerURL/YourPictureFile.jpg". For example, a URL to a picture on the site of one of the moderators looks like this "".

    c. Then, when creating a post, click the picture icon on the icon bar right above the text entry box, which will read "Insert Image" when you mouse over it. That will bring up a Insert Image dialog box that will have two tabs. Click the tab that says "From URL". That will provide a single line entry box for a URL. Enter the entire URL, from "http://..." to "...jpg", as shown in Step B, inside that box.

    d. UNCHECK the box that says "Retrieve Remote File and Reference Locally". If that box is checked, it will move the picture file to the Large Format Photogaphy Forum server, subject to all the restrictions in Method 1. (For more advanced posters, it is possible to use this method, with the box checked, to include attachments inline in the text of your message, and still store the picture on the forum servers. But they will still be shown as thumbnails.)

    e. Click "Okay".

    Alternate Steps:

    a. Insert image tags directly by adding the following text to your messages:

    HTML Code:
    Putting the complete URL to the picture inside IMG tags will cause that image to display within your message. This approach works no matter where the image is stored, including on third-party image hosting sites, though you must follow their instructions to determine what the image tag contents should be.

    I will add the above to the faq, if nobody finds errors in it.

    Edit: Here's the link to the FAQ:

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Aug 1999

    Re: Posting pix.

    I've spent hours in last few days trying to attach photos to posts or short replies. If you want to put up a quote or an emoticon, no problem.
    Now I just have correspondents email me directly, and take the conversation offsite.


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