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Thread: Katrina - Revised - New Comments?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Baton Rouge, LA

    Katrina - Revised - New Comments?

    Based on the many good suggestions, I have broken the images across several pages, based on where they were taken. I have revised one page of these so far, based on suggestions about WWW processing:

    Comments on these?

  2. #2
    darr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    The South

    Katrina - Revised - New Comments?

    Ed: Your work is better than any news coverage I've seen thus far. Some of the shots make me feel like I am right there looking at the scene in the flesh.

    I like the first photo from the East Plaquemine Parish to the Gulf section where the house is squished against the tree while the "Ruth Street" sign stands tall and proud. Also, the "Alien" from Downtown New Orleans and the 9th Ward is so haunting; almost like a scene from the black and white frames of the Outer Limits.

    Great stuff!! Your shooting must have been difficult at times, but what a great way to get to your feelings through such a tragedy. Thank you for sharing them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2001

    Katrina - Revised - New Comments?

    Good job - thanks for sharing..

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Norfolk, UK

    Katrina - Revised - New Comments?


    Great stuff. That first shot is a real stunner – in more than one sense of the word!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 1999

    Katrina - Revised - New Comments?

    And you should see the actual photographs to see the tones and clarity! I have, and they are splendid, even with the terrible circumstances.

  6. #6

    Katrina - Revised - New Comments?

    I couldn't bring myself to take many pictures after Wilma hit south Florida. I just couldn't stand to take pictures of the ugliness left over. We didn't have the tidal destruction, but probably lost 80-90% of our tree canopy from broken branches, with about 5% of total tree loss not counting other vegetation loss. Your pictures will be historic. you should make sure to add notes describing what you are picturing.

  7. #7
    darr's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    The South

    Katrina - Revised - New Comments?

    I second Wayne's recommendation above about adding notes. I too live in south Florida and found it hard to photograph after Wilma because it was too difficult and dangerous to travel about. We lost a few acres of trees and were left with no power, water, or phone for over a month. I did however take some photos (with notes) of what Katrina did to us out in Redland two days after she came through. Thank you again for posting your work.

  8. #8

    Katrina - Revised - New Comments?

    Great shots. Thank you for putting these up. Is that a picture of a boat in a field? That blows me away (no pun intended).


  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Baton Rouge, LA

    Katrina - Revised - New Comments?

    > Is that a picture of a boat in a field?

    It is a boat sitting on the side of the levee that is between the eastern edge of the coast and the Gulf. The storm surge came over that levee from the Gulf and swept across the land, lifting houses and sweeping them across the finger of land until they were stopped by the levee on the river, or, as in the first shot of the house on the tree, some other obstruction. I just added a shot below it, looking across the top of the river levee with a 250mm lens, which shows the line of broken houses resting on the ridge of the levee. That ridge is at least 17 ft above the ground level, perhaps more. The levee is a sloping hill of dirt, perhaps 200 feet wide.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Baton Rouge, LA

    Katrina - Revised - New Comments?

    I am starting to add captions to explain the pictures. Thanks for the suggestion!

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