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Thread: ULF opportunity

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    ULF opportunity

    Ilford is looking for orders for ULF film. Orders have to be placed by mid to late January.

    If you want to send us your name and contact info we will collect the names and pass them on.

    No, I am not going to take any money for this effort and View Camera is not going to profit from this. We will pass this info on to a dealer and the will contact interested people.

    steve simmons

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    ULF opportunity

    How will VC magazine do a better job than, say, informing J&C of the opportunity and letting them do the same thing?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    ULF opportunity

    Do whatever pleases you. I am simply putting out the info.

    If everyone hits different dealers with one off orders the dealer may not be able to make the min order. By collecting everyone together we are more likely to make the min order.

    steve simmons

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    ULF opportunity

    "How will VC magazine do a better job than, say, informing J&C of the opportunity and letting them do the same thing?"

    First, with regard to JandC, they have not previously handled the Ilford films, and may be more interested at this time in a deal with Kodak for one of their films. See Michael Kadillak's message of a week or so ago about TMY.

    Second, you could communicate directly with a dealer like the View Camera Store, which has stocked in the past the Ilford films in ULF size. However, the prospect that such an order can be realized does depend on someone being able to provide Ilford with an accurate assessemnt of demand, and in that regard I believe that going through View Camera is a good idea, and I applaud and appreciate the efforts of Steve Simmons in this matter.
    For discussion and information about carbon transfer please visit the carbon group at

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    ULF opportunity

    Contact Steve or contact Ilford directly. The point is Ilford is deciding on the feasibility of a run of film and what formats to cut. From what I have gathered on APUG it will be both FP4 and HP5.
    It sounds like this is going to be a once or twice a year proposition, therefore having a handle on what will be sold is important for Ilford.

  6. #6

    ULF opportunity

    JJ, I think you should first do a better job spelling out your name.

    Steve's effort should only be appreciated in this thread. I can't see what else he should say. Like it, jump on, but if you don't like it - let others do the talking.
    simplest solutions are usually the most difficult ...

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Stockholm, Sweden

    ULF opportunity

    Has Ilford stated what the minimum order is for each size?

    I order 12x20 HP5, granted, a year and a half ago through a professional camera store, Molanders, here in Stockholm Sweden.
    The minimum order was ONLY 6 boxes and they delivered in just over 4 weeks.

  8. #8
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 1997
    San Jose, CA

    ULF opportunity

    How will VC magazine do a better job than, say, informing J&C of the opportunity and letting them do the same thing?

    Because View Camera is a more recognized name in our community than J&C.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    ULF opportunity

    JJ, I think you should first do a better job spelling out your name.

    What is that supposed to mean?

    Anyone here can see my name.

    Spell it out yourself.

    Because View Camera is a more recognized name in our community than J&C.

    I am beginning to see that J&C isn't endeared here. Why is that? What should I beware of?

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    ULF opportunity

    "I am beginning to see that J&C isn't endeared here. Why is that? What should I beware of?"


    I don't understand why you would say this? Maybe there is some hidden text of which *I* am not aware? But for my part, I am a customer of JandC and have had great service, and will without question buy there again. JandC provides some interesting products at good prices, and I have had very good service in all of my dealings with them.

    Nothing I have said was in any way meant to be reflect negatively on JandC, and I did not see that in any of the other comments.
    For discussion and information about carbon transfer please visit the carbon group at

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