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Thread: Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

  1. #1

    Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

    I saw this just now on ebay. Bidding is already over $700. Anyone recognize the lens? Is this the fabled "Harrison Globe lens," the early ultra-wide angle?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    California - Silicon Valley

    Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

    the seller's id is Mathew Brady!

  3. #3

    Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

    The patent date is that of the Globe Lens, and the overall design appears to conform to the patent drawings.

  4. #4

    Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

    If you click on the "larger picture" link in the first image, the word "Harrison" is clearly visible on the lens. I think the seller doesn't really know what he has. The reason he has it listed as a Scovill lens is because the lens board is labeled "Scovill MFG. Co. N.Y.". In any case, it looks like he's going to get a lot more than he expected for this interesting bit of photographic history. I gotta admit that's one cool looking old lens, but already out of my price range.


  5. #5

    Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

    D'oh, I just went back and actually read his description in which he states the lens is engraved "C.C.Harrison & J.Schnitzer New York". I still don't think he knows the historical significance and collectability of this lens. I guess he'll find out tomorrow afernoon when the auction ends.


  6. #6

    Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

    The last globe lens on eBay sold for $2350. At that rate, you might was well buy a hypergon...

  7. #7

    Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

    PS: you would think Matthew Brady would know how to spell Civil War...

  8. #8

    Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

    At $2350, the value is almost purely for collectors; other more modern lenses perform better for less. Still, I'd love to go shooting with a Harrison Globe lens, if only for history's sake, to let the light from my images pass through the same glass as who knows what other images...

    You know, Christmas is just around the corner, and if you guys haven't gotten me anything yet...

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

    Nice try, Mark. I doubt I'm your favorite charity. Nothing personal, but you're not mine.



  10. #10

    Harrison Globe lens on ebay?

    Darn! Well, it was worth a shot...

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