I have been doing some casual priliminary tests on the new Fuji Pro160S 120 vs. NPS 120 color negative films for scanning purposes. It is supposed to be designed for scanning. My initial tests are very promising and some what surprising. I just cross shot some on some halogen lit interiors for a quicky test. I do not have a proper profile for the new film yet so I just used the NPS profile for both.
The film has a much more nuetral and thinner orange mask.
Very similar contrast.
It has less reciprocity failure or higher effective asa. I'm not sure which at this point. Exposures were 8 sec.
The film is much finer grain, and displays much less shadow noise in the scan. Why a film would display less shadow noise confuses me a bit at this time.
Initially this appears to be a much better film for scanning. I'll let you know when I do more sophisticated tests.