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Thread: Keeble & Schuchat, Palo Alto

  1. #11 tgtaylor's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Re: Keeble & Schuchat, Palo Alto

    Back in the '90's and turn of the century their film prices were at the same price as B&H: Why wait for that truck to make its way across the continent when you could buy it locally and use it the same day? But along came digital and all those wedding photographers switched to digital and the price went up. They maintained a complete darkroom department long after it became unprofitable. If they had developed an online presence, they could have competed with B&H.


  2. #12
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Keeble & Schuchat, Palo Alto

    As someone who has a good track record beating the pants off of on-line sources, it's not that simple. You either have to be really big and efficient at doing web
    sales, or be warehoused in a state where workers get paid peanuts. The Bay Area is an incredibly bad area to set up online distribution. As you might have noticed, Amazon built their distribution center out in Patterson, where both land and wages are a bargain, and got distinct state incentives to boot. What can be done well in the Bay area involves a substantial enough selection of product to become a magnet over a wide geographical area. Even price is a often secondary consideration, well behind immediate walk-in availability and product knowledge. In certain cases, manufacturers offer us significantly better pricing based on that very fact. Dot coms only work for commonly recognized commodities, and not for the host of related items and accessories where manufacturers really make most of their profit. I'm not dealing with photo goods here, but even the retail camera store down the street has expanded and still maintains healthy film
    and darkroom departments. I can hardly believe the other side of the Bay has any less interest in these categories. Probably the size of their operation was just
    too big to justify the overhead any longer. A smaller more efficient niche business might do just fine.

  3. #13
    fpatton's Avatar
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    San Jose, CA

    Re: Keeble & Schuchat, Palo Alto

    I'm very sorry to hear this. K&S has been a longtime stopover for me when going through Palo Alto. The first camera I bought there was a used Mamiya C3, shortly after I started work (paycheck!) in 1987, back when used gear was upstairs in the main building. The last thing I bought was some used Hasselblad accessories just last week. They've never had a lot a of large format gear when I've gone in there, though there was more many years ago. I always take time to view the "museum" on the top shelf. I really don't have any sense of financial self-control in that place. :-)

    In my neck of the woods, this leaves San Jose Camera, but they really don't do film or used gear much.

    Resistance is futi...ooooh, donuts!

  4. #14
    Robert Brummitt's Avatar
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    Beaverton, Oregon

    Re: Keeble & Schuchat, Palo Alto

    I'm very sad to hear of the closing. I had been a shopper of K&S since the early 80's. Bought my first RB-67 there, my first LF Arca Swiss there and plenty of film and lenses. As a student of Foothill College's photography Dept, we were always encourage to go there for our supplies. I wonder where students at Foothill will be going now?

    I'll have to visit my local camera shop (ProPhoto Supplies) and see if they have plans to close their doors anytime soon?!

    I wish the employees well and Thank Terry for being a great supplier of photo equipment.

  5. #15 tgtaylor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Keeble & Schuchat, Palo Alto

    "Thanks for all the memories”


    Keeble Shuchat Photography (KSP) and staff

    for over 50 years of service to members of the photographic community

    Since the mid-September announcement of the imminent closing of this landmark photography store in midtown Palo Alto, photographers at all levels (including novices) throughout the area have expressed their sadness at losing this valuable resource. No other store in the area, and certainly not any of the online stores, can match the personal service and attention to the needs of photographers offered by the owner and knowledgeable staff at KSP.

    In recognition of all that KSP has done for them, local photographers under the aegis of the Palo Alto Camera Club have organized a special “Thanks for all the memories” event.

    Place: Palo Alto Art Center (Main Auditorium), 1313 Newell Rd, Palo Alto 94303

    Date: Mon Nov 14, 2016, from 7:30 to 9 pm (doors open at 7 pm)

    Owner Terry Shuchat will say a few words about the history of the store, which he first opened with partner Dick Keeble in the early 1970s. This will be followed by informal comments from a few local photographers, after which those in the audience wishing to speak may do so via an open microphone.

    The event is free and open to the general public. No registration or tickets needed but seating is limited so please come early.

    For those unable to attend, we welcome written comments that can be read during the event. Please send them to Laurie Naiman at

    Sponsored by the Palo Alto Camera Club and the City of Palo Alto


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