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Thread: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

  1. #71

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Bellingham, WA (displaced Canadian)

    Re: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

    I'm using the new Harman DPP. I missed the original Galaxy paper kickerstarter, but I've heard from them that new orders will be possible early next year.

    Definitely excited.

  2. #72
    Large Format Rocks ImSoNegative's Avatar
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    Re: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

    I thought that This kickstarter went bust. Should have followed closer
    "WOW! Now thats a big camera. By the way, how many megapixels is that thing?"

  3. #73

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

    Latest update from the creators on 12/30/15 is that they have started shipping out the rewards. This must be some sort of record for a KS campaign. The only other KS project I backed was very late. (That said they finally came through and didn't go bust like some campaigns.)

  4. #74
    JoeV's Avatar
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    Re: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

    They haven't provided any updates at all on the project on their website. And I'm not certain where or how I'd go about purchasing some, given that I didn't get in on the initial KS campaign. Are they only communicating via email to their KS backers? Not a very communicative way to market a new product.

    The photograph and the thing being photographed are not the same thing.

  5. #75

    Join Date
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    Santa Barbara

    Re: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

    I got an email that they are about to ship

    what I can't find..anywhere.. is how one is to process this stuff

    what chemicals are needed, developing directions, etc

    which makes me nervous that it will entail some convoluted process with smelly chemicals that are highly temperature sensitive -

    making the whole process too much of a pain in the ass to attempt

  6. #76
    Corran's Avatar
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    Re: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

    Someone detailed the process in this thread some time ago, or at least what it's likely to be since it's not really "direct positive" paper at all.

    That's why I cancelled my pledge, and the fact that they still haven't really clarified says to me they're about to have a lot of dissatisfied KS backers...
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  7. #77

    Join Date
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    Bellingham, WA (displaced Canadian)

    Re: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

    Quote Originally Posted by Corran View Post
    Someone detailed the process in this thread some time ago, or at least what it's likely to be since it's not really "direct positive" paper at all.

    That's why I cancelled my pledge, and the fact that they still haven't really clarified says to me they're about to have a lot of dissatisfied KS backers...
    Yeah, here's the post, for reference:

  8. #78

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

    Quote Originally Posted by Corran View Post
    Someone detailed the process in this thread some time ago, or at least what it's likely to be since it's not really "direct positive" paper at all.

    That's why I cancelled my pledge, and the fact that they still haven't really clarified says to me they're about to have a lot of dissatisfied KS backers...
    Yeah, a lot of folks got quite indignant that the creators were not crystal clear that this was not a DP paper that would turn out as a positive in regular print developer but that you would have to use a special reversal process to obtain a positive print. Their argument was that Kodak's "direct positive" paper of the 1950's and 60's was actually the same idea, special reversal processing. For myself, the main interest was the speed of the paper as I intend to process as a negative and then go from there. I don't like the mirror reversed images obtained with DP paper. Hopefully, for those who who want to, there will be instructions included for what steps to take to process as a positive.
    I backed the 25 pack of 8X10 that I can cut up into 100 4X5 sheets. My main concern is that the safelight requirements will be so stringent that I will find myself working in almost total darkness negating one of the advantages of working with paper, that you can work under safelight. The other is that finally, if the paper is available as a retail item, it will not be any less expensive than film, which is the other reason I like to shoot paper in large format.

  9. #79

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

    Just checked the comments from the last update. They said that there would be complete instructions included with all rewards including developing instructions and safelight requirements. I'll be watching my mail and report my personal findings when the material arrives. Only time will tell how this finally works out in practice.

  10. #80

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Galaxy paper offered for direct positive processing

    Quote Originally Posted by plywood View Post
    Yeah, a lot of folks got quite indignant that the creators were not crystal clear that this was not a DP paper that would turn out as a positive in regular print developer but that you would have to use a special reversal process to obtain a positive print. .
    Couple of points to make.

    First, use of the word "indignant" could be inferred as suggesting that the objectors (and I was - remain - one) were nitpicking rather than simply correctly pointing out that, Second, the persistent use of the phrase "direct positive paper" was grossly misleading, as the paper is nothing of the sort.

    I wish you luck with your Galaxy paper, and hope it works out for you, but the fact remains that this KS was promoted inaccurately and misleadingly: Witness the number of people in both this thread and a similar one at APUG who were angry and disappointed when the facts were made clear - not by Galaxy, but by forum members.

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