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Thread: new55 kickstarter has begun

  1. #291
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Chapel Hill NC

    Re: Are any civilians getting the New Type 55 film yet?

    Like you, I pledged my $75 and am still waiting for my reward. However, I have no problem waiting for my fulfilment. I understood that the risks were great, and that I was backing a project who’s aims were the production of an alternative to Polaroid T55, to be available as long as there is a market for it.

    I assume that the combination of materials, chemistry, processes, machinery, and facilities used to produce this film is a lot more exacting than baking a cake- if it were simple, then I’m sure I would have had my cake already, and eaten it. As a backer, I was not buying a cake, I was pledging my support in building a bakery, so that I could have my cake whenever I felt like it.

    I don’t think people should back someone else’s project unless they can afford to, and unless they share the passion of those who are risking a lot more to bring an idea to fruition, as outlined by the aims of the project, and are willing to share those risks to the extent of their pledge. All projects entail some risk; unless a kickstarter project already has a product boxed and ready to ship, you should be prepared to go along for the ride.

    Kickstarter is, to some extent, entertainment- just as a visit to Vegas is entertainment. You’re paying to be part of it, and barring those few projects which are so badly run so as to verge on fraud, there is usually some kind of payout, in the end. The risks and challenges section should not be overlooked when you’re preparing to make your pledge, and that’s something you won’t find printed on a Blackjack table. Those who have an idea they think is worth pursuing will often be risking far more than those faces in the crowd who contribute the relatively small amounts which enable the project to go forward. If you want to be sure of a return, perhaps putting your money in a carefully selected bank would be the better option.

    I welcome the frequent updates, and I look forward to my film- which I expect will be an improvement on the film shipping now, due to their continuing R&D. I may never be able to buy it in sufficient quantities to be able to understand its nuances, but as somebody who appreciates the qualities of the original film I was happy to be able to contribute to the development of its replacement, and look forward to a future where I will be able to buy it fresh again, someday…

  2. #292

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    North Dakota

    Re: Are any civilians getting the New Type 55 film yet?

    Civilians? Are they selling to the Military first?

  3. #293
    Remember to take out the trash
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    Re: Are any civilians getting the New Type 55 film yet?

    Quote Originally Posted by jb7 View Post
    Like you, I pledged my $75 and am still waiting for my reward. However, I have no problem waiting for my fulfilment. I understood that the risks were great, and that I was backing a project who’s aims were the production of an alternative to Polaroid T55, to be available as long as there is a market for it.
    I pledged an order of a magnitude more, as I feel this might very well be the last chance we have in the return of such instant film - and I need instant film for my LF photography. That was also my vote to show the company there is a need for such a product, and I put my money where my mouth is.

    New55 will not survive unless we actually spend money on the product. I hope there are enough hipsters to keep the project going after they get into mass production, but getting it up and running is up to the more dedicated film shooters.

    Having backed 45 projects on KS I expect I have more experience than most here. Delays are par for the course. I believe I've never had a project with physical goods deliver on time, with months of delays being the norm. Two have been utter disappointments from quality perspective, not fit for the intended purpose; one of them a magnetic lens cap retainer which delivered over a year late IIRC.

    I'm certain that creating a "new" film basically from ground up is hard. Not rocket science hard, but really hard nevertheless. We've already seen some major setbacks in the project, but they are well on their way to make a sustainable project. Therefore I'd much prefer the New55 project to take their time to ensure the product is of high quality, rather than rushing it out the door to meet some more or less arbitrary deadline.

    Another good thing about the project is that they have been more forthcoming than pretty much all projects I've been part of. They have shared the wins and losses, and send frequent updates on progress to their backers. This is very unusual on KS, and shows these guys really care about the product, and their customers.

    Fortunately I still have some Fuji instant film left, and so does my retailer, which might explain my patience further In fact, I emailed Sam Hiser in July to delay my shipment if necessary to send to those who are more impatient than I.

    They have re-started pledge shipments, so it's slowly going forward.

  4. #294

    Join Date
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    north of the 49th

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    Finally exposed my first frame and it's what I imagined it to be at this stage and probably a bit better. No probs with the not quite mint 545 holder (one of probably 8-10 I've accumulated haha)I got at a camera show for a mere $20 US ))

    One thing very different from T55 so far is that the negative, as noted in the instructions, should be shielded from light after the peel. After fixing, it showed what appears to be some slight solarization in some areas. Will scan and see how it looks. The negative had a very strong blue anti halation layer that needed Perma Wash to remove (almost instantaneously!)

    So to Bob and the New55 team, thank you !

    I am more than happy and can't wait for order fulfilment and continued refinement !
    notch codes ? I only use one film...

  5. #295

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    I contributed to the Film Ferrania kickstarter and it, like almost all KS projects I've contributed to, is behind the schedule as well (Italian bureaucracy, who knew?). I like the Vegas analogy, it's like I mailed a check to a casino there and said "Put it all on red!" I hope to get a return but my expectation is that someone give the wheel a spin. If the money was an issue I wouldn't have done it. I'm far from rich but only gave what I could afford to throw down the drain.

  6. #296
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    Quote Originally Posted by letchhausen View Post
    I contributed to the Film Ferrania kickstarter and it, like almost all KS projects I've contributed to, is behind the schedule as well (Italian bureaucracy, who knew?). I like the Vegas analogy, it's like I mailed a check to a casino there and said "Put it all on red!" I hope to get a return but my expectation is that someone give the wheel a spin. If the money was an issue I wouldn't have done it. I'm far from rich but only gave what I could afford to throw down the drain.
    You seem not have read their report about pollution inside building. asbest(dont know english word). thats very serious, dangerous for health.

  7. #297

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    West Linn, south of Portland, Oregon

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    Quote Originally Posted by Fred L View Post
    No probs with the not quite mint 545 holder (one of probably 8-10 I've accumulated haha)I got at a camera show for a mere $20 US ))
    My first frame pulled from the holder too quickly, ruining it. I was more careful with my second, and had good results.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fred L View Post
    One thing very different from T55 so far is that the negative, as noted in the instructions, should be shielded from light after the peel.
    I concur with this wholeheartedly.

    (I too am still waiting for my (two) boxes, but bought a 'fund-raiser' box in the meantime.) I can be patient, as I have a couple left and the production process is continuously improving.

  8. #298
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
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    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    I wonder when mine will arrive...

  9. #299

    Join Date
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    Boston, MA, USA

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    Today another update.
    It reads like the writers are struggling to find some ray of sunshine in a sea of gloom to tell us about, and the rest is the same repeat of how bad things are because 1-2-3.
    This is turning out to be a project with all and only negative updated, am i the only one who sees it this way?

  10. #300

    Join Date
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    Elko, Nevada

    Re: new55 kickstarter has begun

    From what I read it all boils down to cash. They need a big cash infusion by the end of the year or the project may not be able to continue. The current sale of product is enough to keep them afloat for now, but not to pay off their current bills. And new bills will come up next year. It also seems to effect the supply chain. They do not say so but I suspect that new components must be paid for as they are received, not on a revolving credit arrangement.

    That is how I read it. Not very encouraging but still hoping it all works out.
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