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Thread: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

  1. #11
    Peter Ivancak Photography ivancak's Avatar
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    Czech republic

    Re: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

    Yes I agree. Unfortunately helical mount is one of the most expensive part of the project. We have intensively negotiated directly with Schneider in Germany and we have been promised that they will supply us with certain amount of them. We are trying to keep helical mount price as low as possible. We want only to cover operational expenses we will have with them. Alternative way is to download/buy fix focused camera bodies, where no helical mount is needed. This is especially for early birds or early adopters.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

    You can also repurpose the helical out of a cheap 35mm SLR lens. Olympus OM lenses (say the 50/1.8) can be had cheaply, and their helicals are usually somewhat suitable for DIY stuff.


  3. #13
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Houston Texas

    Re: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

    You can also repurpose the helical out of a cheap 35mm SLR lens. Olympus OM lenses (say the 50/1.8) can be had cheaply, and their helicals are usually somewhat suitable for DIY stuff.

    If I wnted to mount the Schneider 90mm f/6.8 Angulon to the suggested Olympus Zuico 50mm f1.8 focus barrel . . .how would that be done? I am assuming that d this would be for the 58mm body printed camera? Would there be enough useful focus travel?I am hopeful, but don't quite see how this would work without extensive (expensive) machining and then some rigging to achieve infinity focus.

    As I said: I am hopeful . . .I'd really like to see how this is done.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

    Its worse than you think, Drew.

    I can see how to stuff a 90/6.8 Angulon in shutter into the front of a barrel that held a lens for a 35 mm SLR. Not a huge problem, many are the ways and possible adapters.

    Without playing with lens and shutter, though (not my yob, man, someone else can do it), I can't rule out vignetting problems. I've front-mounted a number of barrel lenses on #1 shutters. Mechanical vignetting can be a real problem, especially with short lenses.

  5. #15
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Re: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

    I've looked around on e-Bay a little and the low profile eyepiece focing helicals for telescopes might work . . .but they are nearly as costly as the Schneider purpose designed focusing mounts.

    It looks as though the WanderLust helical for their TravelWide is the best option for the middle future. Whenever the founders and pre-order production run is complete and follow-on orders are filled, the WL/TW helical may be the lowest cost helical for projects.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

    You can find generic focus helicals, with front holes sized for Copal shutters, from Chinese vendors on eBay for ~$100. That would be a likelier bet than trying to repurpose the focus helical from a 35mm SLR lens. However, you'd have to figure out how to mount the thing on the camera. And whether you want to calibrate the helical in order to use the camera as a scale-focus point-and-shoot or you'd rather use it as a view camera, you'll need to fabricate some sort of ground glass insert because the camera as offered does not have a back, and thus provides no way to view or focus the projected image.

  7. #17
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Re: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

    Lacking a wiz-bang printer myself . . .how does one get the camera made from the digital file? I've been told that this can be done as a one-off by big companies, but who/where and at what cost?

    I am hopeful and really want this project to be a success. I missed out on the WanderLust project (my timid fault) and now am way down the list of third run possibles for a TravelWide. So I'd like this to be something as-good and ready to own now. I have a 90mm/ 6.8 Angulon already.

    Looks like this project is $49 for the file, plus whatever it costs to get it made, plus $100 for a Chinese helicle and still no GG back. The other purchase option is $179 fo the ready-made camera shipped from CR, Plus the $100 helical.

    A suggestion: Offer this camera in several focal lengths designed to be used with a hekicle.
    Offer it in aluminum (I think that can be used in 3D printing now).
    Designe a variant that will accept the GG and hood assembly from a Graflok back.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

    So I see that there's a "customized author's print" for a camera that will take a 150mm lens for $429 printed. Then I need a viewfinder since there's no GG and a helical for focusing. Starts to add up for us longer lens shooters. Would like to see an example of what that body looks like. And yes, a ground glass and a Graflok back would up the interest factor to compete with TW, Gaoersi etc. Cool to see other options though.....

  9. #19
    Peter Ivancak Photography ivancak's Avatar
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    Czech republic

    Re: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

    Dear LFPH community,

    many thanks for your interest. We are really surprised by almost 9000 views in less than 48 hours. Seems that we have to provide additional information to you. So first of all our project has two objectives:

    1) we want encourage people to shoot large format and have a passion from what the real photography is about. We want this to be an valuable alternative to digital picture shooting. Remarks to the camera: All camera bodies includes sheet film holder locking mechanism, which is compatible with every currently available 4x5 sheet film holder. It also works with Polaroid 545 instant film holder for New55 instant 4×5 film. Fix-focused bodies are focused to infinity.

    2) we want to break through a completely new way of product delivery using widely used and cheapest FDM 3D printing technology. We have spent many hours in last 18 months to make the camera easy printable in any of desktop FDM printer. The camera has 3 parts only - body and two back springs. It is printable in virtually any 3D printer having building volume of 20x20x20 cm at least. Check the 3D printers like Makerbot for example. We personally use Prusa I3 Plus 3D printer. And one big remark. FDM 3D printing is CHEAP!!! From one roll containing 1 kg of 3 mm ABS filament worth $22 we usually print 4 -5 camera bodies. The printing time is about 15 - 17 hours, so it should cost about $50 using cheapest on-line 3D print services.

    and now ...


    based on reactions on our Indiegogo campaign and announcement here on forum we have decided to run camera testing campaign. We hope this will encourage early birds to test the camera. So here is the deal: To first 5 LFPH community members who will reply to this post and apply for testing we will provide for free complete 3D print package with fix-focused bodies for either 58 mm or 90 mm Schneider lens. No helical mount is needed. So the rules to apply to this campaign are as follows:

    1) apply to the campaign by replying to this post and select the focal length of the camera body (either 58 or 90 mm)
    2) we will provide you with complete package for 3D print including .stl file with camera model, detailed 3D printing instructions, assembly instructions and on-line support. You are allowed to use this electronic package for testing purposes only. No forwarding, re-selling etc. is allowed.
    3) 3D print your camera using your local 3D printing services provider
    4) assembly and test the camera
    5) post here in LFPH forum your experiences, test pictures, comments
    6) if you are satisfied with the product you can contribute on our Indiegogo campaign. This is optional, of course :-)

    Looking forward for testers

    Ivancak Cameras Team

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: World First 3D Printable Large Format Camera is now available

    Just curious, why does your post count remain at "1" after so many posts?

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