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Thread: Rollo - Pyro info help

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Rollo - Pyro info help

    I tried to search for information about the my system processing.
    This will be first developed by Rollo Pyro (ABC)
    I would use Jobo CPE 2500 tank system (2520) for the sheet of 4x5 film. This system is minimal 270ml tank, I do not know exactly how much liquid can contain 400ml perhaps ...
    Has anyone ever used the tank in 2500 with ABC Pyro?
    Do I have be careful attention to something in particular?

  2. #2
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Re: Rollo - Pyro info help

    Not sure this is of any use but........I use Pyrocat HD in Glycol in tubes. When I first decide to switch to a pyro developer I originally thought I should use Rollo Pyro but PCHD works perfectly in tubes. Many people worry about oxidation of the dev in rotational development. If you are worried about oxidation the only place I find it is an issue is if I mix the working developer to long before I use actually it. That is where I have found oxidation to be an issue-not in the actual development.So I mix it as the last thing I do before development and it works fine. As an example PCHD has plenty of strength to do extended (+) developments even in the 2 oz volume required for BTZS tubes.
    Last edited by Kirk Gittings; 22-May-2014 at 15:33.

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  3. #3
    matthew blais's Avatar
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    Re: Rollo - Pyro info help

    I use the 2500 tanks...And ALWAYS hand invert the tank a few times then place back on the roller base.
    Seemed to eliminate some streaking problems...and I almost always use 1000 ml to do 8 sheets on two reels
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  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Rollo - Pyro info help

    I read about PyroHD, it looks even better.
    My question is if there is a minimum amount of development or I can work quietly with 300 cc of solution.

  5. #5

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    Re: Rollo - Pyro info help

    Quote Originally Posted by zone View Post
    I read about PyroHD, it looks even better.
    My question is if there is a minimum amount of development or I can work quietly with 300 cc of solution.
    The minimum amount of Pyrocat-HD, with the 1+1+100 dilution, is about 250 ml of working solution per sheet of 8X10 film. For a sheet of 4X5" film the minimum is about 75 ml.

    Don't confuse Rollo Pyro with ABC Pyro. Rollo Pyro is based on a formula developed by Harald Leban in the late 1990s, that he called ABC+. It is similar to PMK, but stronger, and contains ascorbic acid to slow oxidation, and some bromide to cut fog. ABC Pyro is an old Kodak formula used by, among many others, Weston.

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  6. #6

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    Re: Rollo - Pyro info help

    Quote Originally Posted by sanking View Post
    The minimum amount of Pyrocat-HD, with the 1+1+100 dilution, is about 250 ml of working solution per sheet of 8X10 film. For a sheet of 4X5" film the minimum is about 75 ml.
    Sandy, and what if the dilution is 2:2:100? What is then the minimum working dilution per 4x5 sheet?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Rollo - Pyro info help

    Don't mistake the minimum amount to cover a sheet with the amount needed to develop it. Concentration may reduce the amount needed, but if it doesn't cover it you'll end wasting film

  8. #8

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    Re: Rollo - Pyro info help

    Quote Originally Posted by sanking View Post
    The minimum amount of Pyrocat-HD, with the 1+1+100 dilution, is about 250 ml of working solution per sheet of 8X10 film. For a sheet of 4X5" film the minimum is about 75 ml.

    Don't confuse Rollo Pyro with ABC Pyro. Rollo Pyro is based on a formula developed by Harald Leban in the late 1990s, that he called ABC+. It is similar to PMK, but stronger, and contains ascorbic acid to slow oxidation, and some bromide to cut fog. ABC Pyro is an old Kodak formula used by, among many others, Weston.

    Hi ...
    i've bought Rollo Pyro (ABC PLUS PYRO DEVELOPER, by PHOTOGRAPHERS' Formulary inc; )
    into user guide attachment there are solutions 1:2:100 or 1:2:75
    My jobo tank 2550 is for six 4x5 sheet in 300cc of solution.
    So i use:
    3cc of solution A
    6cc of sol B
    300cc of water or 225cc in case of 1:2:75
    So i've thought that 3cc+6cc+100 may be very low.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Rollo - Pyro info help

    so... I assume that the minimum amount is 75ml also ABC Plus Pyro.
    Does anyone know the development time for the Efke 25 and Efke 100?

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Albiate (MB), Italy, EU

    Re: Rollo - Pyro info help

    Quote Originally Posted by zone View Post
    so... I assume that the minimum amount is 75ml also ABC Plus Pyro.
    Does anyone know the development time for the Efke 25 and Efke 100?
    I obtain good results with Efke PL-100 Rollo Pyro 1+2+100 developing for 7'30" at 24°C in Expert Drum 3006 CPP-2 velocity 3 for diffusion enlarger (N subject, paper iso-range about 85-90 or grad. 3). I use 62.5ml minimum for one single 4x5 film (or 125 ml for one single 5x7 or 250ml for one single 8x10).

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