I love reading old books especially 19th century photography books, bulletins and magazines. Google Books (http://books.google.com) allows you to search and read thousands of old books and periodicals for free. Many you can download in pdf form. When you visit that page, enter your search terms in the "Research" side of the page. If you have Google Play Books installed, you can add them to your library to read later for free.

Anyway, I was reading one this morning and happened upon a story that I think many of us on this forum can identify with, especially those who love antique lenses and are tinkerers. I have no idea if it's true or not, but it doesn't matter. Remember these are scans so sometimes words are misspelled, missing, etc but it isn't a huge issue. The story is titled "The Tale of a Portrait-Lens" and starts just after the opening image on the page. It's from Photo-Era Magazine, November 1922. Enjoy

