I am having trouble deciding which of these I should get. I mostly do landscape photography and want a light and easily packed 4x5 that can handle lenses from 75 to 300mm. I like the modular approach of the Arca-swiss products. I have read all the Misura threads but I have concerns about the camera:

1) Althought the camera itself is light at 5.2lbs, the case adds another 1.1lbs. I am wondering about the usefulness of the case when I'm hiking or backpacking. Wouldn't it be better to put the camera is a soft sqarish case and stick that into my backpack? I already carry an 8lb tripod/head combo outside of my backpack. I guess the Misura's case could also be put into the backpack, but it would take more room since it is oval in shape.

2) I am concerned about the stability of the Misura on top of the tripod when using a 300mm lens with a rail extention. How stable would the back standard be sitting on top of an extention piece that is attached to the back (fold-down) piece of the rail. It seems like the back standard may be cantilevered far from the fulcrum (attachment point to the tripod head). The front standard on the Misura appears fixed in the same position along the rail. With the F-line field , it is possible to achive balance because the both standards can be moved allong the rail. Do you think this is really a problem?

The new F-line field is only 5.6lbs and if I can improvise a soft-case for it that is less than 0.8lbs or less, the total weight of the camera+case combo would be less than the Misura with case. Of course, the setup -time of the F-line field is a bit slower than the Misura, but we are probably talking 10's of seconds. Would any of the owner of the F field out there like to comment about the setup speed of their camera?

Are there any other pros and cons I should be considering in the decision between these two cameras? I am OK will not having back tilts or swings.