My new Sylvestri 6X tilting loupe came with the tilting base attached, and included with it was what looks like a straight base. I presume the tilting base is supposed to come off so that I can put the straight base on it instead, but I don't see how to do it. If the tilting base comes off, it is not at all obvious how to get it off.

Part of the problem is that I was not at home when it arrived in a cardboard box also containing film, and I asked my wife to put the film in the refrigerator. Instead she put the whole unopened cardboard box containing loupe and film in the refrigerator, so the base may be "frozen" shut.

Does the tilting base unscrew so the straight base can be screwed on instead? I've tried to unscrew it, but I can't get it to move, and I'm afraid to try to force

Is there a set of instructions for the loupe somewhere on the web?