No, I haven’t gone over to the dark side and no, I am not trying to play the devil’s advocate....
but this morning while sifting through my negatives I realized that some of my most powerful and interesting images are from locations that have an association with the devil.... so far I have various viscera, a cauldron, a fist and my personal favorite... a ‘Devil’s Eye’.... ours is a pool of water with a sinister upwelling near the centre... makes for interesting effects with long exposures.

Now it seems to me that this identifying of various aspects of the devil as he intrudes into the
landscape from his subterranean abode is an international cultural phenomena and scattered
over the globe are an assortment of anatomical parts..... the elbows, claws, vertebrae, horns,
paws & thumbs, architectural features.... towers, bridges & gates and let’s not forget the
furniture... chairs, beds & tables.

Now I find these landscape features are usually visually powerful & mysterious... just the kind of subject I like to photograph. I wish to add to my small collection of ‘demonography’ and am interested in compiling a list of ‘hot spots’..... often these places are named and known to locals and do not appear on the maps.... so any locations (worldwide) that you know of that relate to this theme would be sincerely appreciated. Also, does anyone know if someone has done a photographic book on the subject.

Thanks in advance for your kind consideration...

PS... please no e-mails pretending to be the prince of darkness.... I mention this only because I
am still recovering from a few very.... er ah...... ‘interesting’ e-mails in response to my
mentioning my ‘porn for geologists’ series in a posting last year!