I've been looking at some wonderful work by a photographer on flickr. I'd like to post a link to one of his images and ask a few technical questions. I wasn't too sure if this were appropriate or not but after inquiring, I'm assured that there is nothing wrong in doing this as long as the original image isn't posted directly in the post; a link to the flickr page would be fine. If the photographer is a forum member and objects, I'll remove this post immediately.

Now for the questions...

Image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/edunbar...7629451316003/

The subject matter is terrific. The framing is perfect in my opinion. The mood of the shot is spot on; it's a wonderful image. But, I'm wondering about the use of the 'Zone System' in this picture. What values were placed where by the artist? Was the Zone System utilized at all in your opinions? The windows look a bit blown out. Assuming this wasn't intended, what could the photographer have done to prevent this if very bright light was shining through those windows? What about the use of a filter? Which filter and why?

Also the whole image, as incredible as I feel it is, looks just a tiny bit flat to my eye, no punch/contrast. It makes me think he may have metered the machinery and just exposed without putting the darker areas on Zone III. Or, maybe he did put the darker areas on Zone III and that is why the windows got blown out (or clipped). What is the best term; blown or clipped?

Anyway, I love the image and I'm interested in the forums opinions.

Again, the photographer didn't ask that his work be critiqued, and if he is a forum member and objects, I apologize with all sincerity, and I'll pull the post. If he isn't a forum member, I don't think theres any harm in discussing the technical aspects of this image.