So the first issue is going to print on Tuesday. It is 74 pages or beautiful images and wonderful articles. It features works from every corner of the globe, and articles from and about some of the top professionals working in collodion processes today.

It is going to be something you do not want to miss.

We have a large number of subscribers already, and for that I am thankful. The support and energy the community has shown towards this project has been amazing. The contributions have been priceless, and I can not say thank you enough.

While I wish I could give all the artists a free issue, the price of printing and shipping does not allow that. Being that it is such a small run of magazines, we are unable to obtain price breaks just yet. Maybe when we grow and expand to a larger fan base, we will be able to offer a free-be here and there.

There are many people that have expressed interest in the Quarterly, and yet have not subscribed. There are many that advertised and have not subscribed.

Being that this is a small publication and that we are not doing online content as of yet, we need to have an exact or close to exact number of issue we are ordering to be printed.

So if you want an issue, you need to go to the website and subscribe. We are only going to have a few back issues printed on account of the cost and that we are on a shoe string budget.

I look forward to getting this out to you guys the first week or so of March. I hope you are as excited about it as we are.