Hi everyone..

Im currently shooting a 90/8 on my 4x5 with a 617 back and the coverage is good, however I want to go wider..The lenses I'm considering are as follows.

Nikkor SW 75/4.5
Schneider SA 72/5.6

I know the 72/5.6 will easily cover 617, what I do not know is if I will be able to focus it at infinity given the offset of the 617 back on my Linhof Kardan Super Colour ST. The 90/8 focuses easily with room for some movements.

My other option is to sell the 617 back, buy a 612 back which sit flush on the 4x5 like a standard film holder, allowing me to go as wide as the 47/5.6 or 58/5.6.

Just looking for opinions. I love the 617 format, I did have a dedicated 617 camera however in an attempt to lighten my camera bag I sold it in favor of the back for the 4x5... This way I'm only carrying one camera and one set of lenses rather than two..

Many thanks.


PS. If there are other lenses I should be considering please let me know... I do not want to go longer than 75mm.