
I've seen and read most of the literature out there on Fujinon lenses including the Fujinon lens page and Kerry's pages. But I have a specific question, and that is:

Were all the Fujinon CM-W lenses marked as such, as in the attached jpeg? In other words, did all have the "CM" on the barrel as in the jpeg?

I'm looking at 180mm lenses in particular.

This one for example, seems clearly a NW, smaller filter size, "coarse" Copal shutter, and EBC coated.

Now, the Fujinon page says both the "NW" and the "CM-W" use 67mm filters, and we know from forum posts that filter sizes on the NW varied, and in some cases three different filter sizes were used.

So, is this one a "NW" or a "CM-W"?

It would appear to be a CM-W, but doesn't have the "CM" on the barrel.

Did they use the "CM" designation in different markets perhaps?

Cheers, Steve